I have a list of Windows packages that I'm installing via powershell using the following command:

& mypatch.exe /passive /norestart

mypatch.exe is being passed from a list and it doesn't wait for the prior install to finish - it just keeps going. It builds up a huge window of installs that are pending installation. Also, I can't use $LASTEXITCODE to determine if the install succeeded or failed.

Is there anyway to make the installs wait before starting the next?


3 回答 3

Start-Process <path to exe> -Wait 
于 2013-10-16T18:50:39.987 回答

JesnG 在使用 start-process 时是正确的,但是由于问题显示传递参数,该行应该是:

Start-Process "mypatch.exe" -argumentlist "/passive /norestart" -wait

OP 还提到确定安装是成功还是失败。我发现在这种情况下,使用“try, catch throw”来获取错误状态效果很好

try {
    Start-Process "mypatch.exe" -argumentlist "/passive /norestart" -wait
} catch {
    # Catch will pick up any non zero error code returned
    # You can do anything you like in this block to deal with the error, examples below:
    # $_ returns the error details
    # This will just write the error
    Write-Host "mypatch.exe returned the following error $_"
    # If you want to pass the error upwards as a system error and abort your powershell script or function
    Throw "Aborted mypatch.exe returned $_"
于 2018-11-25T11:24:51.763 回答

当然,编写一个运行安装程序的单行批处理脚本。批处理脚本将等待安装程序完成后再返回。从 PowerShell 调用脚本,然后等待批处理脚本完成。

如果您有权访问其mypatch编写方式,则可以在完成时创建一些随机文件,以便 PowerShell 可以在 while 循环中检查其是否存在,并在文件不存在时休眠。



编辑刚刚看到 JensG 的回答。不知道那个。好的

于 2013-10-16T18:36:44.120 回答