I'm a new user to git, but I've used tHg before, and I'm familiar with the basic stuff of branching and merging. (say, up to using diff tool and resolving conflicts with it) I'm using tortoiseGit to do my work for me, so I can have windows explorer/shell integration. I lack a piece of knowledge on merging using tGit/git. (or better said: I've never try to do anything like this with any SCM before)
I have started a repository from an existing code base. With my new git repo, I've branched off a dev and a test branch. The old code base I started my repo with already included some tests.
Now I'd like to version those tests so I can roll back stuff in the test branch if a test proves to be wrong or something. I think just ignoring them won't be the solution, unless there's a way to still version them in the test branch. I would like to delete my tests from the dev branch so I have a (much) cleaner project file structure in the dev branch, but keep them in the test branch. So, if I delete the tests, the deletion should propagate from the dev branch to the test branch when I update the code to test, right? That's what I don't want to happen. Is there a way to not propagate the deletions?
So, is it possible to push only a selected set of file changes back from dev to test and vice versa? If so, how do I do that?