
I have master page and its content page. I want to get the textboxes situated on Content page. How can I get them in C# code behind of Content page?


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Access it by using it's ID:


<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="myTextBox"></asp:TextBox>

Code behind:

myTextBox.Text = "This is a text!";

Note that you need to add runat="server" for it to be accessible.

After your comment I think I understand where you're getting at. You'll need to traverse through all controls down the control tree to find all TextBoxes.

Here is a recursive implementation:

public List<Control> FindControls(Control root, Type type)
    var controls = new List<Control>();

    foreach (Control ctrl in root.Controls)
        if (ctrl.GetType() == type)

        if (ctrl.Controls.Count > 0)
            controls.AddRange(FindControls(ctrl, type));

    return controls;

To get all TextBoxes in a page you'll call it with Page as root Control:

var allTextBoxes = FindControls(Page, typeof(TextBox));

The above example is to clarify the idea of how you should proceed. I'd do it a bit differently by using an Extension Method:

public static class ExtensionMethods
    public static IEnumerable<Control> FindControls(this Control root)
        foreach (Control ctrl in root.Controls)
            yield return ctrl;
            foreach (Control desc in ctrl.FindControls())
                yield return desc;


Now you can use it directly on any control and even apply Linq on the result since it's an IEnumerable.

This will get you an array of all controls in a page:

var allControls = this.FindControls().ToArray();

To get an array of all TextBox controls:

var allTextBoxes = this.FindControls()

and to get a list of TextBoxes with a specific id:

var myTextBox = this.FindControls()
                    .Where<TextBox>(tb => tb.ID.Equals("textBox1")).ToList<TextBox>();

You can also use it in foreach statements:

foreach (Control c in this.FindControls())
于 2009-12-21T15:13:07.583 回答