Is there any other way to do this application with HTML5 as web front exclude uniGUI in Delphi?
First concept : HTML5 applications are a bunch of HTML files and JS's wich can be processed by browsers.
Second concept : You need an application that can bind HTTP queries and return files from the first concept.
Third concept (paradigm) : With first two concepts, a third concept arises. Dynamic HTML. What is dynamic HTML? HTML that generates at runtime at the backend server and/or at frontend with JS.
Solution :
Yes, with Delphi as a backend server you can manipulate and return HTML5 views, if you know (MVC paradigmn for example) you can program an HTTPServer application that binds HTTP request from network and responses your HTMLs and JS.
What good libraries support Websockets in Delphi?
You need a multilayer library. The best library I know is mORMot. mORMot is like a swiss razor for Object Pascal.
You can create an HTTP server with websocket published interfaces. mORMot's Site
What book you can recommend me to read, as I don't know Delphi at all.
I have more than 10 years with Delphi and Free Pascal and I didn't read a book at all. But I read a lot from internet and a lot of computer architecture and another languages like C and C++.
If you like Delphi there are tons of documentation via Internet. I cannot recomend you a book because I will lie you.