To make specific actions restricted you simply use the Authorize-attribute on the methods that handle these actions.
When you mark an action method with the Authorize attribute, access to that action method is restricted to users who are both authenticated and authorized.
//[ClaimsAuthorize(Roles = "AdvancedUsers")]
public class SecurityController : Controller
[ClaimsAuthorize(Roles ="Administrators", "Role2","Role3")]
public ActionResult AdministrativeTask()
return View();
OR you can override your authorization at controller level ,
Create a new OverrideAuthorizeAttribute
public class OverrideAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute {
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
and you can use this attribute to override your controller level autorization.
[ClaimsAuthorize(Roles = "AdvancedUsers")]
public class SecurityController : Controller
[ClaimsAuthorize(Roles = "Administrators")]
public ActionResult AdministrativeTask()
return View();
[OverrideAuthorizeAttribute(Roles ="xxxx")] // This role will override controller
//level authorization
public ActionResult SomeOtherAction()
return View();