Using Compact cf c# framework 2. I have 700 jpeg files on my server. Each file is 9kb. I use framework to zip up these files. (not expecting any compression just a way to group many files into 1 file for download). I divide these 700 files into 7 zipped files. Each zip file contains 100 jpegs. I use OpenNETCF library ftp to download these files. As soon as the 1st file is downloaded I extract frame by frame (using the stream object of the framework) to render an image on a picturebox 1 at a time using a timer that runs at 10fps. If the next zip file in the series has not finished downloading I disable the timer and display a caption 'buffering'. As soon as the next zip file has finished downloading I enable the timer and the 'video' footage continues.
My questions are:
- Is it best to use a large buffer size in the ftp download process (like 5000) or should I be mindful of a disrupted connection because of wireless/gprs connectivity?
- Is there a way to resume ftp download from where it was aborted?
- Should I not use FTP in this scenario?
- Should I group the zip files into larger batches - say 200 a piece instead of 100 and carry a greater risk of connectivity issues?
- Should I lessen the group of zip files to say 50 a piece and incur more ftp requests?
Code is available for me to upload but it is really the architecture I am interested in.