How do I export data from my SWF file to an XML file?

For example if there are 10 players (dyna blaster style game) and you want to store the scores over a longer period of time in a Excel file. You have to have the game create an XML file first, I figured that out myself. But how to export the data to an XML file first?

And also - is there a way to export the data from an swf file to mySQL on the server where my webSite is located ?


1 回答 1


为什么不直接导出为 CSV(excel-ish 文件格式)?http://code.google.com/p/csvlib/

否则,您必须创建一个new XML()并将对象解析到其中。AS3 Templelib有一个模块来加载、解析、编码各种数据,例如 XML、JSON 或图像。
请参阅: http ://templelibrary.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/modules/data/readme.html

于 2013-10-16T07:25:10.570 回答