我有以下 JSON。我希望将整个消息作为一行来阅读。这里的挑战是在我的文件中有数千个这样的条目。我想知道如何在 awk 或 sed 中编写脚本,

将每组花括号视为一个数据块 {....} 并将数据块内的所有内容写入一行(包括花括号)

    "technology": "big data", 
    "message" ":"A Tale Of Two Snow Queens
    It was the best of ani­ma­tion, it was the worst of ani­ma­tion. Over the next cou­ple     months, you will be able to choose for your­self which is the true Queen, and which will be the also ran. One is from #Dis­ney, and one is pro­duced in the frozen land of Rus­sia; both    are based on the clas­sic tale The #SnowQueen By #HansChris­t­ianAnder­sen and both, inter­est­ingly enough, have just released new trail­ers in antic­i­pa­tion of their pend­ing releases.

1 回答 1



gawk  'BEGIN {RS="{"} {gsub("\n"," "); print}'
于 2013-10-16T05:24:30.720 回答