我正在尝试创建一个页面,您可以在其中输入一个 3 位数字,并根据该数字,按钮的 onclick 将根据 else if 语句返回不同的图像(向您显示数字所在位置的地图)。我被困在按钮上 - 单击它时根本不会显示任何内容,甚至是错误消息。知道有什么问题吗?我是一个虚拟初学者,所以请清楚和体谅你的答案:) 谢谢!
function SearchMap()
var dewey;
dewey= parseFloat(document.getElementById('search1').value);
if (dewey >= 000 && 099 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the fourth floor. Your item is in the Generalities section.'
else if (dewey >= 100 && 199 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the fourth floor. Your item is in the Philosophy and Psychology section.'
else if (dewey >= 200 && 299 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the third floor. Your item is in the Religion section.'
else if (dewey >= 300 && 399 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the third floor. Your item is in the Social Sciences section.'
else if (dewey >= 400 && 499 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the third floor. Your item is in the Language section.'
else if (dewey >= 500 && 599 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the third floor. Your item is in the Natural Sciences and Math section.'
else if (dewey >= 600 && 699 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the third floor. Your item is in the Technology section.'
else if (dewey >= 700 && 799 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the second floor. Your item is in the Arts section.'
else if (dewey >= 800 && 899 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the first floor. Your item is in the Literature and Rhetoric section.'
else if (dewey >= 900 && 999 >= dewey)
document.GetElementById('caption1').innerHTML='You want to go to the second floor. Your item is in the Geography and History section.'
else (dewey < 000 || 999 < dewey)
alert=('Your number is outside the Dewey Decimal Range. Please call 319-335-5299 or email lib-ref@uiowa.edu for assistance.');
<h1 align="center">
<img src="http://semanticweb.com/files/2011/04/UIowa.gif">
<font color="#B18904">University of Iowa Libraries
<h2 align="center">
Search the library floorplan by Dewey Decimal number. </font>
<p align="center">
Type 3-digit Dewey classification number here: <input type="text" id="search1" size=5 value="";>
<p align="center">
<input type="button" id="button1" value="Take me there"
<p align="center">
<img src="" id="image1">
<div id='caption1'></div>