我不想在这里再放一个,但是这种类型的其他 20 个问题已经用“set AutoPostBack="true"”回答了,我已经完成了。我相信我的问题更多在于我在 DropDownList 中设置项目的方式,但我是 ASP.NET 的新手,所以我不确定正确的解决方案是什么。


<asp:DropDownList ID="DrpProduct" CssClass="input-xxlarge"  runat="server"    AutoPostBack="true" EnableViewState="true"     OnSelectedIndexChanged="DrpProduct_SelectedIndexChanged" ViewStateMode="Enabled" />


protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) 
  Repository = new ProductRepository();
  Products = Repository.List();

  if (Products.Any())
    foreach (Product product in Products) {
      DrpProduct.Items.Add(new ListItem(product.Name, product.Name));


protected void DrpProduct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs eArgs) 
  //code omitted. I have a breakpoint here that never gets hit anyways.

它们正确渲染和显示,但是当我使用下拉菜单时未命中 OnSelectedIndexChanged 事件。我已经读过,如果没有在页面生命周期的适当阶段以这种方式将项目添加到下拉列表中,可能会出现问题,但我已经在多个其他阶段尝试过,但没有效果。出于特定原因,我这样做(而不是数据绑定对象等),所以想让这段代码为我工作。

编辑:根据要求,这是我的 ProductRepository 代码:

public class ProductRepository
  private IList<Product> Products { get; set; }

public ProductRepository()
      Products = new List<Product> {
        new Product("Grand Theft Auto V", "A video game that lets you kill hookers.", 59.99m), 
        new Product("Fallout 4", "lol u wish", 99.99m), 
        new Product("XCOM: Enemy Unknown", "Probably one of the better games you'll ever play.", 39.99m),
         new Product("The Bureau: XCOM Declassified", "The game NO ONE asked for. Or wanted.", 59.99m),
        new Product("Rome 2: Total War", "There'd better be phalanxes.", 59.99m)

  public IList<Product> List() 
    return Products;

4 回答 4



我的 DropDownList 只是挂在页面上,而不是包含在<form>. 不知道这会否定 SelectedIndexChanged 事件。因此,将 .aspx 文件中的代码更改为:

<form ID="ProductForm" runat="server">
  <asp:DropDownList .... />
于 2013-10-15T23:25:47.550 回答

Make sure you've wired up the EventHandler correctly.

Try switching to Designer mode in Visual Studio and double-clicking on the DropDownList to make sure that the CodeBehind opens up to the actual DrpProduct_SelectedIndexChanged method.

This is always a good way to test your code and make sure that everything is wired up.

You can also try wiring up your EventHandler programmatically like this...

DrpProduct.Click += new eventHandler(DrpProduct_SelectedIndexChanged);
于 2013-10-15T23:11:40.327 回答


public partial class _Default : Page
    List<Product> products = null;

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            products = new List<Product> 
                new Product{ Name = "ProductOne" },
                new Product{ Name = "ProductTwo" }

            if (products.Count > 0)
                foreach (var product in products)
                    DrpProduct.Items.Add(new ListItem(product.Name, product.Name));

    protected void DrpProduct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // break point in here is getting hit


class Product
    public string Name { get; set; }


于 2013-10-15T22:40:55.373 回答

此外,您可能忘记将控件的 AutoPostBack 设置为 true ......我不会承认这是否是我的解决方案 8)

于 2017-06-25T06:40:32.410 回答