我对python很陌生。我只想知道我们将在哪里导入文件,我们想在下面的 python 脚本中运行一个脚本。我只想导入或引用下面脚本中的文件
import fileinput, optparse
usage = """%prog HOCOMOCOv9_AD_TRANSFAC.txt > converted_transfac_matrices.txt
This program reads matrices in a format used by the TRANSFAC database,
and writes them in a format that can be used by Clover. The TRANSFAC
format looks something like this:
AC M00002
P0 A C G T
01 4 4 3 0 V
02 2 5 4 0 S
03 3 2 4 2 N"""
op = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
(opts, args) = op.parse_args()
if not args: op.error("please specify an input file")
title = []
for line in fileinput.input(args):
w = line.split()
key = w[0]
if key in ("AC", "ID", "NA"):
elif key.isdigit():
if title:
print ">" + " ".join(title)
title = []
print "\t".join(w[1:5])