显然这是 Python 中一个相当常见的问题(请参阅此处此处此处),但我无法理解为什么会在我从此处获取的此脚本中发生这种情况。我附上了导致问题的代码片段,以及最小工作示例 (MWE) 和错误跟踪。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么。谢谢你。


def captureTestImage():
    command = "raspistill -w %s -h %s -t 0 -e bmp -o -" % (100, 75)
    imageData = StringIO.StringIO()
    imageData.write(subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True))
    im = Image.open(imageData)
    buffer = im.load()
    return im, buffer


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./test2.py", line 61, in <module>
    image1, buffer1 = captureTestImage()
  File "./test2.py", line 31, in captureTestImage
    im = Image.open(imageData)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL/Image.py", line 1980, in open
    raise IOError("cannot identify image file")
IOError: cannot identify image file


#!/usr/bin/env python

import StringIO
import subprocess
import os
import time
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image

# Motion detection settings:
# Threshold (how much a pixel has to change by to be marked as "changed")
# Sensitivity (how many changed pixels before capturing an image)
# ForceCapture (whether to force an image to be captured every forceCaptureTime seconds)
threshold = 10
sensitivity = 20
forceCapture = True
forceCaptureTime = 60 * 60 # Once an hour

# File settings
saveWidth = 1280
saveHeight = 960
diskSpaceToReserve = 40 * 1024 * 1024 # Keep 40 mb free on disk

# Capture a small test image (for motion detection)
def captureTestImage():
    command = "raspistill -w %s -h %s -t 0 -e bmp -o -" % (100, 75)
    imageData = StringIO.StringIO()
    imageData.write(subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True))
    im = Image.open(imageData)
    buffer = im.load()
    return im, buffer

# Save a full size image to disk
def saveImage(width, height, diskSpaceToReserve):
    time = datetime.now()
    filename = "capture-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.jpg" % (time.year, time.month, time.day, time.hour, time.minute, time.second)
    subprocess.call("raspistill -w 1296 -h 972 -t 0 -e jpg -q 15 -o %s" % filename, shell=True)
    print "Captured %s" % filename

# Keep free space above given level
def keepDiskSpaceFree(bytesToReserve):
    if (getFreeSpace() < bytesToReserve):
        for filename in sorted(os.listdir(".")):
            if filename.startswith("capture") and filename.endswith(".jpg"):
                print "Deleted %s to avoid filling disk" % filename
                if (getFreeSpace() > bytesToReserve):

# Get available disk space
def getFreeSpace():
    st = os.statvfs(".")
    du = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize
    return du

# Get first image
image1, buffer1 = captureTestImage()

# Reset last capture time
lastCapture = time.time()

while (True):

    # Get comparison image
    image2, buffer2 = captureTestImage()

    # Count changed pixels
    changedPixels = 0
    for x in xrange(0, 100):
        for y in xrange(0, 75):
            # Just check green channel as it's the highest quality channel
            pixdiff = abs(buffer1[x,y][1] - buffer2[x,y][1])
            if pixdiff > threshold:
                changedPixels += 1

    # Check force capture
    if forceCapture:
        if time.time() - lastCapture > forceCaptureTime:
            changedPixels = sensitivity + 1

    # Save an image if pixels changed
    if changedPixels > sensitivity:
        lastCapture = time.time()
        saveImage(saveWidth, saveHeight, diskSpaceToReserve)

    # Swap comparison buffers
    image1 = image2
    buffer1 = buffer2

1 回答 1


天哪,我觉得自己真的很愚蠢,但这根本不是软件问题,而是不稳定的 Raspi 问题。原来没有加载正确的相机驱动程序,所以相机没有拍照,而是产生错误。只需要重新启动即可。

于 2013-10-15T20:21:17.213 回答