Sounds simple enough but I'm new to the whole screen scraping thing. What I have is a remote site http://www.remotesite.com (for example purposes) that has a schedule table with a structure like so:

    <td class="team">
      Team 1
    <td class="team">
      Team 2

The table is populated with a dynamic range of entries depending on the the number of games going that day where Team 1 vs Team 2 etc.

I've built my scraper to get a list of all the teams listed in the table and it works successfully. Here's the code:

// Load Simple DOM
// Scrape the Schedule
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $html = file_get_html("http://www.remotesite.com/schedule.htm");
    // Load HTML
        $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);

    // Get all the Teams
        $my_xpath_query = "//table//td[contains(@class, 'team')]";
        $result_rows = $xpath->query($my_xpath_query);


And to echo the scrape I have this code:

    // Display the schedule
        foreach ($result_rows as $result_object){
            echo $result_object->nodeValue;

However, what this does is echo out the teams like so:

Team1Team2Team3Team4Team5Team6 etc, etc.

It is getting the pairs of teams that are playing against each other in the correct order but what I need to do is essentially echo out the table the same way I'm fetching it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!


1 回答 1



$rows = '';
$teams = array();

// Pull team names into array
foreach ($result_rows as $result_object){
   $teams[] = $result_object->nodeValue;

// Extract two teams per table row
   $matchup = array_splice($teams, 0, 2);
   $rows .= '<tr><td>'.implode('</td><td>', $matchup).'</td></tr>';

// Write out the table
echo "<table>$rows</table>';
于 2013-10-15T22:03:26.717 回答