After using a "GetLatestVersion" to retreive my coworker's new project added to Source Control, we realized that the folder structure was incorrect. He deleted the issues on Source Control and everything looked great there. It runs on his end.

Unfortunately for me, even after running the "GetSpecificVersion" and checking all the overwrite boxes, I cannot get the new version of his project on my local workspace.


How now do I delete the project on my end without TFS knowing (so I don't have toCheckInanything and TFS doesn't think it needs to bring anything onto the server from my local workspace).

It makes most sense to me to:

- log out of Source Control, close the project and Visual Studio, 
- go into my workspace folder and delete the coworker's broken project
- log back into Source Control, bring up the workspace project in Solution Explorer, and re- "GetLatestVersion" and overwrite files. 

Has anyone had this problem before? I'm working in VisualStudio 2012


1 回答 1


您是否 100% 肯定您的同事确实检查了他所有“修复”它的更改?我会先仔细检查一下。在团队资源管理器中,确保他们没有任何需要在“排除文件”下签入的文件。

如果您有 TFS 构建服务器,请确保 CI 构建(或者您可以手动运行)成功。这至少可以证明 TFS 是否正确构建了项目。

如果您没有 TFS 构建服务器,请让另一位同事将其拉下以验证所有内容都已正确签入。


于 2013-10-15T20:26:12.570 回答