我有一个问题陈述,我想知道解决方案是否可行。我有几个相互联锁的 3D 模型,而且联锁的部分非常复杂。我想去除那些复杂的表面,因为在组装产品时这些表面仍然看不见。我所拥有的只是要使用的波前 obj 文件,我应该删除以编程方式隐藏的面。所以最终产品应该是一个 obj 文件,它将渲染成一个组装产品,其中的数据导致互锁表面完全移除,哪种算法最适合,我应该如何处理?



1 回答 1


Instead of trying to come up with a frostum culling algorithm to manually remove the stuff you can't see, I think a better approach would be to look into the code of when you render your Object (ex in OpenGL) there are libraries included to only render things viewed in the current perspective.

But if you really want to proceed with algorithms I suggest you readup on this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frustum_culling

于 2013-10-15T17:31:23.927 回答