Scanner Keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Type C to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius or" +
"F to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit.");
char choice = Keyboard.nextLine().charAt(0);
//Get user input on whether to do F to C or C to F
if (choice == F) //Fahrenheit to Celsius
System.out.println("Please enter the temperature in Fahrenheit:");
double C = Keyboard.nextDouble();
double SaveC = C;
C = (((C-32)*5)/9);
System.out.println(SaveC + " degrees in Fahrenheit is equivalent to " + C + " degrees in Celsius.");
else if (choice == C)
System.out.println("Please enter the temperature in Celsius:");
double F = Keyboard.nextDouble();
double SaveF = F;
F = (((F*9)/5)+32);
System.out.println(SaveF +" degrees in Celsius is equivalent to " + F + " degrees in Fahrenheit.");
else if (choice != C && choice != F)
System.out.println("You've entered an invalid character.");