我正在尝试在远程 Windows 2008 服务器上运行批处理文件。我需要该文件以交互方式运行,因为它将打开许多交互程序。我无法在远程服务器上安装服务。我在尝试在远程服务器上创建任务时遇到了困难
string command = @"c:\test.bat > c:\tmp_dr.dat";
ConnectionOptions conO = new ConnectionOptions();
conO.Username = username;
conO.Password = password;
ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\\root\cimv2", conO);
//Getting time
string serverTime = null;
SelectQuery timeQuery = new SelectQuery(@"select LocalDateTime from Win32_OperatingSystem");
ManagementObjectSearcher timeQuerySearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(timeQuery);
foreach (ManagementObject mo in timeQuerySearcher.Get())
serverTime = mo["LocalDateTime"].ToString();
//Adding 2 minutes to the time
string addTwoMinutes = (Convert.ToInt32(Strings.Mid(serverTime, 9, 4)) + 1).ToString();
if (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Mid(serverTime, 9, 1).Equals("0"))//Check if hour is zero
addTwoMinutes = "0" + addTwoMinutes;
serverTime = Strings.Replace(serverTime, (Strings.Mid(serverTime, 9, 4)), addTwoMinutes, 1, -1, CompareMethod.Text);
//running command
object[] cmdParams = { command, serverTime, false, null, null, true, 0};
ManagementClass serverCommand = new ManagementClass(scope, new ManagementPath("Win32_ScheduledJob"), null);
serverCommand.InvokeMethod("Create", cmdParams);
另外: psexec 是不可能的。
命令变量作为字符串 [] 发送到 AT。愚蠢的错误。