I'm writing an application that's supposed to export data from a map application. This application is using Silverlight, and to facilitate export to Excel I am using this library. All of the data is represented in strings by default. When I write to the spreadsheet, I try to parse each string to see which type it is:

string str = kvp.Value;
int i = 0;
long l = 0;
decimal dec = 0;
DateTime dt;
if (int.TryParse(str, out i))
else if (decimal.TryParse(str, out dec))
else if (long.TryParse(str, out l))
else if (DateTime.TryParse(str, out dt))

This works great, except for DateTime and when I try to parse a social security number, which in my case is 12 characters long.

The social security number is parsed as a decimal number, and is displayed in scientific form in Excel. From what I've gathered through reading it seems like a limitation in Excel. If I mark the cell however, I see the correct number in the top bar where you can write formulas. I've solved this problem so far by simply putting this number as a string and letting the end user handle it for now, but I'd really like for it to be a number in the finished document. Is this possible?

What really boggles my mind though, is the DateTime. The format of the date comes like this from the application: 10/15/2013 1:10:00 AM. It looks like this in the Excel file: 2455075.

I checked the source code for the date formatting but I don't seem to be adept enough to see if there is anything wrong in it. For anyone intresed, you can check it out here.

The SetValue-function is supposed to identify the following types automatically:

  • bool
  • DateTime
  • decimal
  • Exception
  • SharedStringDefinition
  • string

I apologize for the long post. It boils down to these questions:

  • Can I make Excel handle long numbers without scientific notation programatically?
  • Why is the DateTime being outputed to such a weird format?

1 回答 1


要以日期格式设置单元格值,您必须将 DateTime 转换为 OLE 自动化日期。您还可以创建更清晰的方法来编写单元格值。像这样的东西:

public bool UpdateValue(WorkbookPart wbPart, string sheetName, string addressName, string value,
                            UInt32Value styleIndex, CellValues dataType)
        // Assume failure.
        bool updated = false;

        Sheet sheet = wbPart.Workbook.Descendants<Sheet>().Where(
            (s) => s.Name == sheetName).FirstOrDefault();

        if (sheet != null)
            Worksheet ws = ((WorksheetPart)(wbPart.GetPartById(sheet.Id))).Worksheet;
            Cell cell = InsertCellInWorksheet(ws, addressName);

            if (dataType == CellValues.SharedString)
                // Either retrieve the index of an existing string,
                // or insert the string into the shared string table
                // and get the index of the new item.
                int stringIndex = InsertSharedStringItem(wbPart, value);

                cell.CellValue = new CellValue(stringIndex.ToString());
                cell.CellValue = new CellValue(value);

            cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(dataType);

            if (styleIndex > 0)
                cell.StyleIndex = styleIndex;

            // Save the worksheet.
            updated = true;

        return updated;

然后像这样调用这个方法(第一个调用是 String 第二个是 DateTime):

UpdateValue(workbookPart, wsName, "D14", "Some text", 0, CellValues.String);

UpdateValue(workbookPart, wsName, "H13", DateTime.Parse("2013-11-01").ToOADate().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), 0, CellValues.Date);
于 2013-11-30T19:44:04.840 回答