Why is Font Awesome not working on this site? At the bottom of the page there are three icons and the middle library should be font awesome.

I've got three font icon libraries loading and there are no asset errors occurring, each font occupies a different set of classes, so I can't imagine any css conflicts.

I know this is a crappy post, but I'm super desperate.


1 回答 1


老实说,我认为这与您的“src”属性有关。在我下载并安装 FA 之前,它在 FF 中工作正常,但 Safari 中的复选标记图标失败。在本地下载/安装后,一切正常。



我从来没有在 shopify.com 上使用过 CDN,但是从我现在的位置来看,我并不排除它可能是导致您陷入困境的罪魁祸首——尤其是因为您的域名不在 shopify.com 上。

于 2013-10-15T16:19:43.067 回答