使用 TimeSeries 缩放或平移散点图后,将根据屏幕上的内容计算 pointIndex 点。
如果一个系列中有 10 个项目,当图表第一次显示时,项目 1 位于 pointIndex 0。项目 2 位于 pointIndex 1,依此类推。但是,一旦您缩放或平移,则 pointIndex 以 SHOWN 开头,而不是系列中项目的索引。
使用 TimeSeries 缩放或平移散点图后,将根据屏幕上的内容计算 pointIndex 点。
如果一个系列中有 10 个项目,当图表第一次显示时,项目 1 位于 pointIndex 0。项目 2 位于 pointIndex 1,依此类推。但是,一旦您缩放或平移,则 pointIndex 以 SHOWN 开头,而不是系列中项目的索引。
public synchronized RangeHolderWithDiff getRange(double start, double stop,
boolean beforeAfterPoints) {
int diff = 0;
if (beforeAfterPoints) {
// we need to add one point before the start and one point after the end
// (if
// there are any)
// to ensure that line doesn't end before the end of the screen
// this would be simply: start = mXY.lowerKey(start) but NavigableMap is
// available since API 9
SortedMap<Double, Double> headMap = mXY.headMap(start);
if (!headMap.isEmpty()) {
start = headMap.lastKey();
diff = headMap.size();
System.out.println("DIFF IS " + diff);
// this would be simply: end = mXY.higherKey(end) but NavigableMap is
// available since API 9
// so we have to do this hack in order to support older versions
SortedMap<Double, Double> tailMap = mXY.tailMap(stop);
if (!tailMap.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<Double> tailIterator = tailMap.keySet().iterator();
Double next = tailIterator.next();
if (tailIterator.hasNext()) {
stop = tailIterator.next();
} else {
stop += next;
RangeHolderWithDiff mRangeHolderWithDiff = new RangeHolderWithDiff();
mRangeHolderWithDiff.indexDiff = diff;
mRangeHolderWithDiff.sortedMap = mXY.subMap(start, stop);
return mRangeHolderWithDiff;
diff 变量为您提供了额外的 x 值计数,我正在尝试将此参数添加到 touchAreas。如果我能做到这一点,我将编辑我的答案。祝你好运。