Today, all of a sudden I found this in my *.csproj file

< UseVSHostingProcess> False </UseVSHostingProcess>

When i Compared it with latest it was added into

<PropertyGroup> </ Property Group>

I have alot search on Google and found http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms171262.aspx, which I do not quite understand.

Can someone please explain what UseVSHostingProcess is and why it is needed.


1 回答 1


我在我的 csproj 文件中获得了这个设置,同时在 Visual Studio 中使用 .NET Reflector Pro 为第 3 方 DLL 生成 PDB 并对其进行调试。

Visual Studio 托管进程提高了调试器性能并启用了新的调试器功能,例如部分信任调试和设计时表达式评估。如果需要,您可以禁用托管进程。


于 2013-11-27T07:58:22.193 回答