. 我想在 Gridview Columns 的标题中对图像进行上下排序。但GetSortColumnIndex(string strrCol)
总是回报- value
public int GetSortColumnIndex(String strCol)
DataTable result= Session["TaskTable"] as DataTable;
foreach (DataControlField field in result.Columns)
if (field.SortExpression == strCol)
return SearchGenericReport.Columns.IndexOf(field);
return -1;
void AddSortImage(GridViewRow headerRow)
int selCol = GetSortColumnIndex(m_strSortExp);
//if (-1 == selCol)
// return;
// Create the sorting image based on the sort direction
Image sortImage = new Image();
if (SortDirection.Ascending == m_SortDirection)
sortImage.ImageUrl = "img/uparrow.png";
sortImage.AlternateText = "Ascending";
sortImage.ImageUrl = "img/downarrow.png";
sortImage.AlternateText = "Descending";
// Add the image to the appropriate header cell
但是当我在 gridview.Columns 上快速观看时 - 它的结果是“枚举没有结果”等等。而且它不会只进入 For Each 循环。我已经修改了这样的代码 - int GetSortColumnIndex() {
// Iterate through the Columns collection to determine the index
// of the column being sorted.
foreach (DataControlField field in this.SearchGenericReport.Columns)
if (field.SortExpression == SearchGenericReport.SortExpression)
return SearchGenericReport.Columns.IndexOf(field);
return -1;
void AddSortImage(int columnIndex,GridViewRow headerRow)
// Create the sorting image based on the sort direction
Image sortImage = new Image();
SortDirection direction = SearchGenericReport.SortDirection;
if (direction == SortDirection.Ascending)
sortImage.ImageUrl = "img/uparrow.png";
sortImage.AlternateText = "Ascending";
sortImage.ImageUrl = "img/downarrow.png";
sortImage.AlternateText = "Descending";
// Add the image to the appropriate header cell