I have a query where I get a result set of transaction totals grouped by a date, a store and a type. Where I'm stuck is: I want to calculate the percentages as well, I would've simply done it in Excel, but due to bad naming conventions, my number of rows per store is inconsistent and my result set is pretty big.
Here is my query without the percentages:
SELECT DATEPART(Year,datecreated) as [Year],
DATEPART(Month,datecreated) as [Month],
b.Name as [Store]
Type as [Type],
Count(Transaction) as [Total],
SUM(Amount) as [Value],
-- one or two other aggregate functions
FROM MyTransactions a, MyStores b
WHERE a.Status = 'Paid'
AND a.ID = b.ID
-- AND Date -- daterange
ORDER BY year desc,month desc,type desc, store desc
Which works perfectly fine, now I just need the best way to determine the percentage of transactions per type. e.g. 60% of the total and 22% of the value is of the type 'Credit' at the specified store during Month 9 of 2013.
Do you perhaps have any suggestions for me? Would be greatly appreciated.
The result I am looking for looks a bit like this:
2012 | 10 | Store1 | Credit | 100 | 50%
2012 | 10 | Store1 | Debit | 100 | 50%
2012 | 10 | Store2 | Credit | 400 | 40%
2012 | 10 | Store2 | Debit | 600 | 60%
etc. (obviously with a few other values and percentages)