For my project I get a good coverage report by jacoco for the models, but no coverage is shown to the controllers. Is there any configuration option that needs to be applied to jacoco to cover the static methods in the play framework controllers?

This is the command line to launch the automated tests in play with jacoco: $ play-1.2.7/play auto-test PWO -javaagent:../jacoco/lib/jacocoagent.jar


1 回答 1


如果将 Jacoco 与 Mockito 或 Powermock 结合使用,则会出现一些问题。也许这也是你的情况:

在我看来,Jacoco 对静态方法或静态初始化器没有任何问题。

于 2013-10-25T20:20:45.393 回答