我很惊讶: 1. 二分搜索起初呈对数增长,然后增长得更快。2. 哈希起初相当一致,但随后也开始缓慢增长。3. 二分查找永远比散列查找好。下面是我的代码。我做错了什么?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var r = new Random();
var targets = Enumerable.Range(0, 1000 * 1000).Select(_ => r.Next(int.MaxValue)).ToList();
for (int totalCount = 1; totalCount < 1000*1000*10; totalCount*=2)
var a = Enumerable.Range(0, totalCount).Select(_ => r.Next(int.MaxValue)).Distinct().Select(v => new thing(v)).OrderBy(t => t.value).ToArray();
var d = a.ToDictionary(t => t.value);
var watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
var found = targets.Select(t => BinarySearch(t, a)).Where(t => t != null).Count();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("found {0} things out of {2} in {1} ms with binary search", found, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, a.Length));
var found = targets.Select(t => HashSearch(t, d)).Where(t => t != null).Count();
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("found {0} things out of {2} in {1} ms with hash search", found, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, d.Keys.Count));
static thing HashSearch(int needle, Dictionary<int, thing> hash)
if (!hash.ContainsKey(needle))
return null;
return hash[needle];
static thing BinarySearch(int needle, thing[] sortedHaystack)
return BinarySearch(needle, sortedHaystack, 0, sortedHaystack.Length - 1);
static thing BinarySearch(int needle, thing[] sortedHaystack, int minimum, int maximum)
if (minimum > maximum)
return null;
var middle = (minimum + maximum) / 2;
if (needle == sortedHaystack[middle].value)
return sortedHaystack[middle];
if (needle < sortedHaystack[middle].value)
return BinarySearch(needle, sortedHaystack, minimum, middle - 1);
return BinarySearch(needle, sortedHaystack, middle + 1, maximum);
class thing
public int value;
public thing(int v)
value = v;