I have multiple nodejs servers located at different locations and i need to create a IPC over tcp sockets and i am using ZeroMQ for that . I need something like request/response or pub/sub in a async way with affirmation that message is sent , but seeing the node-zeromq modules i found all the send methods are synchronous and there is no way to confirm the message the sent through a callback
In short ,
I need something like socket.send(message,function(err,res){;});
but i found this socket.send(message)
Anyone knows how to do this using ZeroMQ or any other way i could IPC reliablly and with a affirmation as response ?
UPDATE : Ive found https://github.com/visionmedia/axon , Axon and its req/rep send method has a callback , would be great if anyone can shed more light about this .Suggestions ?