我刚刚开始使用 Python,我正在尝试将一个简单的石头剪刀布游戏修改为石头剪刀布蜥蜴 spock。结果,我现在需要将随机生成的计算机选择与表示丢失值的不是 1 而是 2 个字典项进行比较:


import random
import time

rock = 1
paper = 2
scissors = 3
lizard = 4
spock = 5

names = { rock: "Rock", paper: "Paper", scissors: "Scissors", lizard: "Lizard", spock: "Spock"}
rules = { rock: [scissors, lizard], paper: [rock, spock], scissors: [paper, lizard], lizard: [paper, spock], spock: [rock, scissors]}

player_score = 0
computer_score = 0

def start():
    print "Let's play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock"
    while game():

def game():
    player = move()
    computer = random.randint(1, 5)
    result (player, computer)
    return play_again()

def move():
    while True:
        player = raw_input("Rock     = 1\nPaper    = 2\nScissors = 3\nLizard   = 4\nSpock    = 5\nMake a move: ")
            player = int(player)
            if player in (1,2,3,4,5):
                return player
        except ValueError:
        print "Oops! I didn't understand that. Please enter 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5."

def result(player, computer):
#   print "1..."
#   time.sleep(1)
#   print "2..."
#   time.sleep(1)
#   print "3!"
#   time.sleep(0.5)
    print "Computer threw {0}!".format(names[computer])
    global player_score, computer_score
    for i in rules[player]:
        if i == computer:
            global outcome
            outcome = "win"
    if outcome == "win":
        print "Your victory has been assured."
        player_score += 1
    elif player == computer:
        print "Tie game."
        print "The computer laughs as you realise you have been defeated."
        computer_score += 1

def play_again():
    answer = raw_input("Would you like to play again? y/n: ")
    if answer in ("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "Of course!"):
        return answer
        print "Thank you very much for playing. See you next time!"

def scores():
    global player_score, computer_score
    print "HIGH SCORES"
    print "Player: ", player_score
    print "Computer: ", computer_score

if __name__ == '__main__':


非常感谢您的帮助 :)


2 回答 2



if player in rules [otherPlayer]: doSomething()


import random

rules = '''Scissors cut paper
Paper covers rock
Rock crushes lizard
Lizard poisons Spock
Spock smashes scissors
Scissors decapitate lizard
Lizard eats paper
Paper disproves Spock
Spock vaporizes rock
Rock crushes scissors'''

rules = rules.lower ().split ()
rules = [_ for _ in zip (rules [::3], rules [2::3] ) ]
names = list (set (name for name, _ in rules) )

def turn ():
    ai = random.choice (names)
    player = input ('Enter your choice: ').lower ()
    if player not in names: raise Exception ('Sheldon out of bounds.')
    print ('AI chose {}.'.format (ai) )
    if (ai, player) in rules:
        print ('AI won.')
        return (0, 1)
    if (player, ai) in rules:
        print ('You won.')
        return (1, 0)
    print ('Draw.')
    return (0, 0)

score = (0, 0)
while True:
    you, ai = turn ()
    score = (score [0] + you, score [1] + ai)
    print ('The score is Human:Machine {}:{}'.format (*score) )
    if input ('Play again? [n/*] ').lower () == 'n': break
于 2013-10-14T23:03:14.530 回答


def result(player, computer):
    outcome = ""


你甚至根本不需要那个变量。将此与 Hyperboreus 在他/她的回答中提到的内容相结合,您的result方法可以像这样开始,其他一切都相同:

def result(player, computer):
    print "Computer threw {0}!".format(names[computer])
    global player_score, computer_score
    if computer in rules[player]:
        print "Your victory has been assured."
于 2013-10-14T23:10:00.593 回答