What is the idiomatic way of counting certain properties of a nested map of maps in Clojure?
Given the following datastructure:
(def x {
:0 {:attrs {:attributes {:dontcare "something"
:1 {:attrs {:abc "some value"}}}}}
:1 {:attrs {:attributes {:dontcare "something"
:1 {:attrs {:abc "some value"}}}}}
:9 {:attrs {:attributes {:dontcare "something"
:5 {:attrs {:xyz "some value"}}}}}})
How can i produce the desired output:
(= (count-attributes x) {:abc 2, :xyz 1})
This is my best effort so far:
(defn count-attributes
(let [result (for [[_ {{attributes :attributes} :attrs}] x
:let [v (into {} (remove (comp not :attrs) (vals attributes)))]]
(:attrs v))]
(frequencies result)))
Which produces the following:
{{:abc "some value"} 2, {:xyz "some value"} 1}