I have a subroutine in Perl that will read a hash and print out all of the key value pairs within the hash. However, instead of going through the foreach loop and printing each time it has a key, I need the result to be added to one scalar, and then return the scalar with the combined results at the end.

In Java I recall you could easily add additional text to a variable, but I'm not sure how to do this in Perl.

Any thoughts? I'll add my print code below, but I basically want to take that and add it to a scalar and return the combined scalar at the end (let's say $output)

sub printSongs
    print "Song Database\n\n";
    foreach $key (keys %songList)
       print "Song Title: $key ---- Duration: $songList{$key}\n";

PS: I tried to search for this answer as it should be relatively simple, but couldn't find anything. Not sure if append is the best word.


2 回答 2


Perl 中的连接运算符是.. 您也可以将其与作业组合为.=.

于 2013-10-14T21:23:19.897 回答
sub printSongs
    print "Song Database\n\n";

    foreach $key (keys %songList)

       $something_combined = $something_combined . 
           "Song Title: $key ---- Duration: $songList{$key}\n";

   print $something_combined;  



例如: $something = "Something" 。$somevar 。“别的东西”。“ETC”;

在 Java 中,您通常使用 + 来连接字符串。在 Perl 中,您可以使用 .

于 2013-10-17T19:47:55.990 回答