我有以下代码,它不好,因为有时 GPS 需要很长时间
- 检查是否启用了 GPS
- 如果启用了 GPS,则使用 GPS,否则使用网络提供商。
- 如果 GPS 时间超过 30 秒,请使用网络。
我可以使用 time 或 Thread.sleep 用我自己的逻辑来做到这一点,但我认为可能有更标准的方式
// Acquire a reference to the system Location Manager
LocationManager locationManager = (LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
// Define a listener that responds to location updates
LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
// Called when a new location is found by the network location provider.
public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {}
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {}
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {}
// Register the listener with the Location Manager to receive location updates
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0, 0, locationListener);