我有一个范围,我试图用 3 个键自定义排序。我正在尝试从工作表上的两个不同列构建两个字符串数组,并使用它们创建两个可以排序的自定义列表 - 第三个键只是通过标准键排序。



Sub SortIntoTeams()
Dim LastRow As Long, LastColumn As Long, FormattedRange As Range
LastRow = Sheets(1).Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row
LastColumn = Sheets(1).Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set FormattedRange = Sheets(1).Range(Cells(8, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))

Dim SortKey1 As Range, SortKey2 As Range, SortKey3 As Range
Set SortKey1 = Sheets(1).Cells(7, 1)
Set SortKey2 = Sheets(1).Cells(7, 10)
Set SortKey3 = Sheets(1).Cells(7, 3)

Dim sCustomList1() As String, sCustomList2() As String
Dim x As Long, i As Long
ReDim sCustomList1(1 To Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row)
ReDim sCustomList2(1 To Sheets(1).Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    sCustomList1(x) = Sheets(2).Cells(x, 1)
Next x
For i = 1 To Sheets(1).Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Row
    sCustomList2(i) = Sheets(2).Cells(i, 5)
Next i

Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=sCustomList1
Application.AddCustomList ListArray:=sCustomList2

FormattedRange.Sort Key1:=SortKey1, Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=SortKey2, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=SortKey3, Order3:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
    OrderCustom:=Application.CustomListCount + 1, MatchCase:=False, _
    Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal

Application.DeleteCustomList Application.CustomListCount

End Sub

1 回答 1



重写获得要使用的最后一行的部分,如下所示: Sheets(1).Cells(rows.count,1).end(xlup).row ' 这将用于列 A. Sheets(1).cells(rows. count,2).end(xlup).row ' 这将用于 B 列。

您将使用 rows.count,5 用于列 E 中的那些。

此外,您似乎需要指定一种排序方法,例如: sortmethod:=xlpinyin

于 2013-10-14T23:36:19.303 回答