背景:我们有一个应用程序,它使用呈现给最终用户的多页表单。该表单分 7 个步骤呈现,但都是从一个 php 文件完成的,使用(我认为)jquery / javascript 循环执行这些步骤,并验证一些字段。在最后一步,为用户提交一个摘要。这很好用。
$(function () {
window.confirmLeave = true;
var cache = {}; // caching inputs for the visited steps
$("#appForm").bind("step_shown", function(event,data){
if(data.isLastStep){ // if this is the last step...then
$("#summaryContainer").empty(); // empty the container holding the
$.each(data.activatedSteps, function(i, id){ // for each of the activated steps...do
if(id === "summary") return; // if it is the summary page then just return
cache[id] = $("#" + id).find(".input"); // else, find the div:s with class="input" and cache them with a key equal to the current step id
cache[id].detach().appendTo('#summaryContainer').show().find(":input").removeAttr("disabled"); // detach the cached inputs and append them to the summary container, also show and enable them
}else if(data.previousStep === "summary"){ // if we are movin back from the summary page
$.each(cache, function(id, inputs){ // for each of the keys in the cache...do
var i = inputs.detach().appendTo("#" + id).find(":input"); // put the input divs back into their normal step
if(id === data.currentStep){ // (we are moving back from the summary page so...) if enable inputs on the current step
}else{ // disable the inputs on the rest of the steps
cache = {}; // empty the cache again
我还包含了以下表单的 html:
<form name="appForm" id="appForm" action="submit-app-exec.php" method="post"
enctype="multipart/form-data" autocomplete="off" onSubmit="showProgressBar()">
<fieldset class="step" id="page_1">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step1.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_2">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step2.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_3">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step3.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_4">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step4.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_5">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step5.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_6">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step6.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="page_7">
<div class="input">
<?php include("add-company/step7.html"); ?>
<fieldset class="step" id="summary" >
<span class="font_normal_07em_black">Summary page</span><br />
<p>Please verify your information below.</p>
<div id="summaryContainer"></div>
<div id="wizardNavigation">
<button class="navigation_button" onclick="javascript:saveApp()">Save</button>
<input class="navigation_button" id="back" value="Back" type="reset" />
<input class="navigation_button" id="next" value="Next" type="submit" onclick="javascript:noSaveApp()" />
<div class="clearFix"></div>
class="step ui-formwizard-content ui-helper-reset ui-corner-all" style="display: none;"
问题:我们没有以任何方式构建用户以保存进度并稍后完成。我现在正在尝试这样做。我已经成功创建了“保存”按钮,它触发了一个 javascript 来更改表单的操作,它将数据发布到一个新的 php 文件,该文件处理和处理 POST 数据到 MySQL。这可行,但是,POST 仅传递当前查看的字段集中的数据,而不是 POST 所有数据。而且我无法弄清楚如何确保所有表单数据都已发布。任何指导或建议都会有所帮助。谢谢。
$(function(){ $('#appForm').formwizard('show','" . $row["current_step"] . "'); });