
这是我的 jquery 代码:

    <form name="group" id="form1" method="post">
      <select name="group" id="group">
        <option value="" disabled selected>Choose your group..</option>
        <?php foreach ($userGroups['data'] as $groups) {
           echo "<option value=\"".$groups['id']."\">".$groups['name']."</option>";

  <td id="fetchmember"> 
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var id_group = this.value;
        $('#fetchmember').html('<center><img src="ajax-loader.gif"></center>');


include 'facebookauth.php';
    $groupId = $_GET['group'];
    $groupmember = $facebook->api('/'.$groupId.'/members');
    $membergroup = $groupmember['data'];

    foreach ($membergroup as $membergroups) {
        echo "<li>".$membergroups['name']."</li>";      


如何在纯 JavaScript 中创建 .load?我必须将我所有的 jquery 代码转换为纯 javascript 代码,但我不知道fetchmember.php?group='+id_group用纯 javascript 加载。任何人都可以给我建议吗?



1 回答 1



 //selector , use document.getElementById    
    $('#group') => document.getElementById('group');

//to set the html
    $('#fetchmember').html => document.getElementById("fetchmember").innerHTML="'<center><img src="ajax-loader.gif"></center>'";

//to bind the click
    document.getElementById('group').addEventListener('click', function() {
      console.log('bind click');

对于 jquery load(),我认为您可以使用 iframe 并将其设置为源(简单的方法,如果fetchmember.php返回 HTML)。

或者你可以查看 JQuery 中的 load() 方法并尝试将其转换为纯 js。在这里,您将使用 pureXMLHttpRequest代替Jquery.Ajax()

jQuery.fn.load = function( url, params, callback ) {
    if ( typeof url !== "string" && _load ) {
        return _load.apply( this, arguments );

    var selector, response, type,
        self = this,
        off = url.indexOf(" ");

    if ( off >= 0 ) {
        selector = url.slice( off, url.length );
        url = url.slice( 0, off );

    // If it's a function
    if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {

        // We assume that it's the callback
        callback = params;
        params = undefined;

    // Otherwise, build a param string
    } else if ( params && typeof params === "object" ) {
        type = "POST";

    // If we have elements to modify, make the request
    if ( self.length > 0 ) {
            url: url,

            // if "type" variable is undefined, then "GET" method will be used
            type: type,
            dataType: "html",
            data: params
        }).done(function( responseText ) {

            // Save response for use in complete callback
            response = arguments;

            self.html( selector ?

                // If a selector was specified, locate the right elements in a dummy div
                // Exclude scripts to avoid IE 'Permission Denied' errors
                jQuery("<div>").append( jQuery.parseHTML( responseText ) ).find( selector ) :

                // Otherwise use the full result
                responseText );

        }).complete( callback && function( jqXHR, status ) {
            self.each( callback, response || [ jqXHR.responseText, status, jqXHR ] );

    return this;



// self executing function 
(function() {
   // write all your js here

于 2013-10-14T13:13:22.750 回答