我有一个 MySQL INNODB 表,其中包含大约 2,000,000 行和 10 个字段(表“汽车”)。它将继续以目前每年约 500,000 行的速度递增。这是一个繁忙的表,平均每秒 24/7 次获取不同类型的查询。

现在的情况是我需要扩展信息以包含一个 INT 字段(“country_id”)。但是,对于所有行的至少 99%,此字段将默认为“1”。


  1. 将 INT 字段添加到表中并为其编制索引(“cars”.“country_id”)
  2. 添加一个包含字段“car_id”和“country_id”的关系表(“car_countries”)


  1. 数据库/表大小将由于索引增加 19 % (~21 MB)
  2. 查询将平均延长 16%(0.37717 秒 vs 0.32431 秒,每个 1,000 个查询)

我以前曾尝试为所有字段填充适当的信息,并添加了关系表,其中表需要非强制性信息,但现在我读到只要不需要排列数据,这几乎没有什么好处(MySQL 不处理(而 PostgreSQL 处理))在表中。在我的示例中,特定汽车永远不会出售给 2 个国家/地区,因此永远不需要为特定汽车添加更多国家/地区。

使用解决方案 1,几乎所有事情都变得更容易,因为磁盘空间并不重要。无论如何我还应该考虑解决方案2吗?如果是这样,为什么?




2 回答 2


The theoretical answer is that option 1 reflects your underlying relationships - a car can be sold to only one country, and therefore a "many to many" relationship (which option 2 suggests) is not appropriate. It would confuse future developers, and pollutes the data model.

The pragmatic answer is that option 2 doesn't appear to have a dramatic performance improvement today, and - crucially - it's likely to introduce complexity into your code. If 99% of the queries don't need the country data, you either have to write the query to include it (thus negating the performance benefit), or build nasty "if I need country THEN query = xxx ELSE query = yyy" logic.

Finally, apropos the indexing question - MySQL only uses one index for a query, so unless you're writing a query where "country" is in the where clause or being joined on, it's unlikely to have an impact.

于 2013-10-15T09:40:17.850 回答

感谢 bwoebi、Raphaël Althaus、AgRizzo、Alfons 和 Ed Gibbs 对问题的投入!


  • 由于一辆车不能有两个国家,并且只需要一个额外的字段:
    • 使用解决方案 1
  • 此外,可能不需要索引,请检查我们在特定场景下的基数和性能


于 2013-10-15T09:27:17.647 回答