我使用 1~200 个数据作为训练数据,201~220 个作为测试数据格式,例如:3 类(1 类、2 类、3 类)和 20 个特征
2 1:100 2:96 3:88 4:94 5:96 6:94 7:72 8:68 9:69 10:70 11:76 12:70 13:73 14:71 15:74 16:76 17:78 18:81 19:76 20:76
2 1:96 2:100 3:88 4:88 5:90 6:98 7:71 8:66 9:63 10:74 11:75 12:66 13:71 14:68 15:74 16:78 17:78 18:85 19:77 20:76
2 1:88 2:88 3:100 4:96 5:91 6:89 7:70 8:70 9:68 10:74 11:76 12:71 13:73 14:74 15:79 16:77 17:73 18:80 19:78 20:78
2 1:94 2:87 3:96 4:100 5:92 6:88 7:76 8:73 9:71 10:70 11:74 12:67 13:71 14:71 15:76 16:77 17:71 18:80 19:73 20:73
2 1:96 2:90 3:91 4:93 5:100 6:92 7:74 8:67 9:67 10:75 11:75 12:67 13:74 14:73 15:77 16:77 17:75 18:82 19:76 20:74
2 1:93 2:98 3:90 4:88 5:92 6:100 7:73 8:66 9:65 10:73 11:78 12:69 13:73 14:72 15:75 16:74 17:75 18:83 19:79 20:77
3 1:73 2:71 3:73 4:76 5:74 6:73 7:100 8:79 9:79 10:71 11:65 12:58 13:67 14:73 15:74 16:72 17:60 18:63 19:64 20:60
3 1:68 2:66 3:70 4:73 5:68 6:67 7:78 8:100 9:85 10:77 11:57 12:57 13:58 14:62 15:68 16:64 17:59 18:57 19:57 20:59
3 1:69 2:64 3:70 4:72 5:69 6:65 7:78 8:85 9:100 10:70 11:56 12:63 13:62 14:61 15:64 16:69 17:56 18:55 19:55 20:51
3 1:71 2:74 3:74 4:70 5:76 6:73 7:71 8:73 9:71 10:100 11:58 12:58 13:59 14:60 15:58 16:65 17:57 18:57 19:63 20:57
1 1:77 2:75 3:76 4:73 5:75 6:79 7:66 8:56 9:56 10:59 11:100 12:77 13:84 14:79 15:82 16:80 17:82 18:82 19:81 20:82
1 1:70 2:66 3:71 4:67 5:67 6:70 7:63 8:57 9:62 10:58 11:77 12:100 13:84 14:75 15:76 16:78 17:73 18:72 19:87 20:80
1 1:73 2:72 3:73 4:71 5:74 6:74 7:68 8:58 9:61 10:59 11:84 12:84 13:100 14:86 15:88 16:91 17:81 18:81 19:84 20:86
1 1:71 2:69 3:75 4:71 5:73 6:73 7:74 8:61 9:61 10:60 11:79 12:75 13:86 14:100 15:90 16:88 17:74 18:79 19:81 20:82
1 1:74 2:74 3:80 4:76 5:78 6:76 7:73 8:66 9:64 10:59 11:81 12:76 13:88 14:90 15:100 16:93 17:74 18:83 19:81 20:85
1 1:76 2:77 3:77 4:76 5:78 6:75 7:73 8:64 9:68 10:65 11:80 12:78 13:91 14:88 15:93 16:100 17:79 18:79 19:82 20:83
1 1:78 2:78 3:73 4:71 5:75 6:75 7:61 8:58 9:57 10:56 11:82 12:73 13:81 14:74 15:74 16:80 17:100 18:85 19:80 20:85
1 1:81 2:85 3:79 4:80 5:82 6:82 7:63 8:56 9:55 10:57 11:82 12:72 13:81 14:79 15:83 16:79 17:85 18:100 19:83 20:79
1 1:76 2:77 3:78 4:75 5:76 6:79 7:65 8:57 9:57 10:63 11:81 12:87 13:84 14:81 15:81 16:82 17:80 18:83 19:100 20:87
1 1:76 2:76 3:78 4:73 5:75 6:78 7:60 8:59 9:51 10:57 11:82 12:80 13:86 14:82 15:85 16:83 17:85 18:79 19:87 20:100
% read the data set
[image_label, image_features] = libsvmread(fullfile('D:\...'));
[N D] = size(image_features);
% Determine the train and test index
trainIndex = zeros(N,1);
trainIndex(1:200) = 1;
testIndex = zeros(N,1);
testIndex(201:N) = 1;
trainData = image_features(trainIndex==1,:);
trainLabel = image_label(trainIndex==1,:);
testData = image_features(testIndex==1,:);
testLabel = image_label(testIndex==1,:);
% Train the SVM
model = svmtrain(trainLabel, trainData, '-c 1 -g 0.05 -b 1');
% Use the SVM model to classify the data
[predict_label, accuracy, prob_values] = svmpredict(testLabel, testData, model, '-b 1');
但是 predict_label 的最终结果都是第 1 类,所以准确率是 50%,它无法获得第 2 类和第 3 类的正确预测标签。是数据格式有问题,还是我实现的代码有问题?请帮助我,非常感谢。