I have problem with Mockito mocking library

My Junit4 test class with 2 test suites.

test one:

public void test1()
   Class class = new Class();
   Class classSpy = Mockito.spy(class);
   Mockito.when( classSpy.getExpectedValue()).thenReturn("expected_one");

and second test:

public void test2()
    Class class = new Class();
    Class classSpy = Mockito.spy(class);
    Mockito.when( classSpy.getExpectedValue()).thenReturn("expected_two");

and I have testable class:

public class TestableClass
    x = class.getExpectedValue();
    //some code

And the problem is:

1 - I run test class with test1() and test2() At first is running test1() debugger indicate the x = "expected_one" all is ok - this is expected behavior

2 - test2 is running I put breakpoint in my testable class at line with x.. and x = "expected_one"

I seems Mockito uses the same reference to spying object (classSpy) in both test.!!

thanks in advance for help

ps: i use mockito 1.9.0 and jre 6.0.370.6

ps: I have normal SetUp method:

public void setUp(){

    testableClass = new TestableClass();

ps3: full test suite:

package xxx;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import xxx.testdata.JUnitConstants;
import xxx.testdata.JUnitUtils;
import xxx.testdata.MockNode;

@SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
public class MONodeModifierTest

    private MONodeModifier moNodeModifier;
    private Document doc;
    static File file;

    public void setUp(){

        doc = JUnitUtils.CreateXMLDocumentFromFile(file);
        moNodeModifier = new MONodeModifier(doc);

    public void createNodeTest(){

        Node inputMoNode = new MockNode();

        boolean nodeisCreated = moNodeModifier.createMONode( inputMoNode, doc );

    public void removeNodeTest(){

        final Node inputMoNode = new MockNode();
        NodeList nodeList = new NodeList(){

            public Node item( int index )
                return inputMoNode;

            public int getLength()
                return 1;

        boolean nodeisRemoved = moNodeModifier.removeMONode( inputMoNode,nodeList );

    public void updateMONodeWithPname(){

        Node node = new MockNode();
        NodeList nodeListMock = Mockito.mock( NodeList.class );
        Node nodeSpy = Mockito.spy(node);
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getChildNodes()).thenReturn( nodeListMock);
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getNodeName()).thenReturn( "p");

        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.getLength()).thenReturn( 1);
        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.item(Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn( nodeSpy);

        boolean nodeisUpdated = moNodeModifier.updateMONode( nodeSpy, nodeListMock );

        Mockito.verify( nodeSpy).setTextContent(Mockito.anyString());

    public void updateMONodeWithNonEmptyListName(){

        Node node = new MockNode();
        NodeList nodeListMock = Mockito.mock( NodeList.class );
        Node nodeSpy = Mockito.spy(node);
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getChildNodes()).thenReturn( nodeListMock);
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getNodeName()).thenReturn( "list");

        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.getLength()).thenReturn( 1).thenReturn( 1);
        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.item(Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn( nodeSpy);

        boolean nodeisUpdated = moNodeModifier.updateMONode( nodeSpy, nodeListMock );

        Mockito.verify( nodeSpy).replaceChild(Mockito.any(Node.class),Mockito.any(Node.class));

    public void updateNonExistMONodeType(){

        Node node = new MockNode();
        Node nodeSpy = Mockito.spy(node);

        NodeList nodeListMock = Mockito.mock( NodeList.class );

        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getChildNodes()).thenReturn( nodeListMock);
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getNodeName()).thenReturn( "p");
        Mockito.when( nodeSpy.getNodeType()).thenReturn( (short) 1).thenReturn( (short) 1).thenReturn( (short) 1).thenReturn( (short) 2);

        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.getLength()).thenReturn( 1);
        Mockito.when( nodeListMock.item(Mockito.anyInt())).thenReturn( nodeSpy);

        boolean nodeisCreated = moNodeModifier.updateMONode( nodeSpy, nodeListMock );

        Mockito.verify( nodeSpy).appendChild(Mockito.any(Node.class));


    public static void prepareFileBeforeTests() throws IOException
        file = JUnitUtils.copyFile(
            new File( "xx.xml" ), new File( "testfile.xml" ));

    public static void deleteFileAfterTests()
        JUnitUtils.deleteFile( new File(
            "testfile.xml" ) );


and the spying class:

package xxx.testdata;

import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.TypeInfo;
import org.w3c.dom.UserDataHandler;

    public class MockNode implements Node,Element,Attr

        public NodeList getChildNodes()
            return new NodeList(){

                public int getLength()
                    return 1;

                public Node item( int index )
                    return new MockNode();

        public String getNodeName()
            return "name";

        public short getNodeType()
            return 1;


and updateMONode() method:

boolean updateMONode( Node inputMoNode, NodeList targetNodeList )
    String inputMoDn = Utils.getAttrValue( inputMoNode, "distName" );
    for( int i = 0; i < targetNodeList.getLength(); i++ )
        Node targetMoNode = targetNodeList.item( i );
        String targetMoDn = Utils.getAttrValue( targetMoNode, "distName" );
        if( (targetMoNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) &&
            (inputMoNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) )
            if( Utils.compareDns( targetMoDn, inputMoDn ) )
                NodeList parameters = inputMoNode.getChildNodes();
                boolean isParameterChanged = false;
                boolean isChanged = false;
                for( int j = 0; j < parameters.getLength(); j++ )
                    if( (parameters.item( j ).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) )
                        isChanged =
                                parameters.item( j ), targetMoNode,
                                inputMoDn );
                    if( isChanged )
                        isParameterChanged = isChanged;
                        isUpdatedParameterNode = false;
                if( isParameterChanged )
                    return true;
    return false;

1 回答 1


我相信情况是你没有将新创建的间谍注入到TestableClass. 您在每个测试中唯一地创建间谍,您是否还将新创建的间谍分配到测试类的class字段中?

于 2013-10-14T10:41:37.623 回答