
本质上,我加入了一些标签和基于 videoId 的频道(想想流派),因此特定的视频文件可以有多个标签并成为多个频道的一部分。

不幸的是,出现了多个匹配项 :( 我的直觉是查询与每个连接的 videoId 匹配并吐出双倍(正如您将在链接的小提琴中看到的那样,但考虑到我的 SQL Join 经验来自大约 3 小时前,到目前为止,我已经勉强过得很好,但现在可以通过一些专家建议来解决从这里到哪里的问题。



create table videos 
   videoId int(1) AUTO_INCREMENT,
   videoUUID char(40),
   contentFolder varchar(50), 
   title varchar(50), 
   caption varchar(50),
   duration varchar(15),
   date TIMESTAMP,
   url varchar(55),
   text varchar(250), 
   PRIMARY KEY (videoId)

create table tags 
   tagId int(1) AUTO_INCREMENT,
   tagName varchar(15),
   PRIMARY KEY (tagId)

create table channels
   channelId int(1) AUTO_INCREMENT,
   channelName varchar(15),
   PRIMARY KEY (channelId)

create table videoTags 
   videoTagId int(1) AUTO_INCREMENT,
   videoId int(1),
   tagId int(1),
   PRIMARY KEY (videoTagId)

create table videoChannels 
    videoChannelId int(1) AUTO_INCREMENT,
    videoId int (1),
    channelId int (1),
    PRIMARY KEY (videoChannelId)

create trigger tuuid before insert on videos
for each row begin
set new.videoUUID = uuid();

insert into videos 
  (contentFolder, title,caption,duration,url,text)
values ("someDir/","A Movie Title", "Headline for Movie",
    "Some text as part of the video file description here");

insert into tags (tagName) values

insert into channels (channelName) values
('General'), ('NotSoGeneral'), ('Specific'), ('Broad'), ('Narrow'),

insert into videoTags (videoId,tagId) values

insert into videoChannels (videoId,channelId) values


select distinct v.*,group_concat(t.tagName)Tags,
from videos as v 

inner join videoTags as vt on v.videoId = vt.videoid

inner join tags as t on t.tagId = vt.tagId

inner join videoChannels as vc on v.videoId = vc.videoId

inner join channels as c on c.channelId = vc.channelId

group by v.videoId;



@J Lo 感谢您的回答!

答: DISTINCT 关键字,我在 select 语句中尝试过,但不确定它的用法,所以没有完全理解它可以在哪里使用,@J Lo 简洁地指出,我可以在我的 group_concat 中使用它,因此给出查询:

select v.*,group_concat(distinct t.tagName)Tags,
group_concat(distinct c.channelName)Channels
from videos as v 

inner join videoTags as vt on v.videoId = vt.videoid

inner join tags as t on t.tagId = vt.tagId

inner join videoChannels as vc on v.videoId = vc.videoId

inner join channels as c on c.channelId = vc.channelId

group by v.videoId;

1 回答 1


您的第一对连接 (Video/VideoTags/Tags) 会产生如下表格:

VideoID = 1 will bring in TagID = 2,5 (Dogs, orlyowl) so you have this

| 1 | Dogs
| 1 | orlyowl

当您加入 VideoChannels 时,它会为每个频道复制上述条目

| 1 | Dogs    | 1
| 1 | orlyowl | 1
| 1 | Dogs    | 4
| 1 | orlyowl | 4
| 1 | Dogs    | 6
| 1 | orlyowl | 6

group_concat 有一个 DISTINCT 属性

select v.*
  , group_concat(distinct t.tagName) Tags
  , group_concat(distinct c.channelName) Channels
from videos as v 
inner join videoTags as vt on v.videoId = vt.videoid
inner join tags as t on t.tagId = vt.tagId
inner join videoChannels as vc on v.videoId = vc.videoId
inner join channels as c on c.channelId = vc.channelId
group by v.videoId;
于 2013-10-14T04:35:52.773 回答