我做了这个通用函数来在 RichTextBox 中添加“FindNext”功能。
#Region " FindNext In RichTextBox "
' [ FindNext In RichTextBox Function ]
' //By Elektro H@cker
' Examples :
' RichTextBox1.Text = "Hello World!, Hello World!, Hello World!"
' FindNext(RichTextBox1, "Hello")
' FindNext
Private Sub FindNext(ByVal [Control] As RichTextBox, _
ByVal SearchText As String, _
Optional ByVal Highlight_BackColor As Color = Nothing, _
Optional ByVal Highlight_ForeColor As Color = Nothing)
' Start searching at 'SelectionStart'.
Dim Search_StartIndex As Integer = [Control].SelectionStart
Static Next_Count As Integer = 0
' Restore Highlight colors of previous selection
[Control].SelectionBackColor = [Control].BackColor
[Control].SelectionColor = [Control].ForeColor
' Set next selection Highlight colors
If Highlight_BackColor = Nothing Then Highlight_BackColor = [Control].BackColor
If Highlight_ForeColor = Nothing Then Highlight_ForeColor = [Control].ForeColor
' If is not first FindNext call then...
If Next_Count <> 0 Then
Search_StartIndex += SearchText.Length
Else ' If is first FindNext call then...
Next_Count += 1
End If
' Set Search_StartIndex
Search_StartIndex = _
[Control].Find(SearchText, Search_StartIndex, RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight Or RichTextBoxFinds.None)
' ...And prevent search at End Of File
If Search_StartIndex = -1 Then
Search_StartIndex = _
[Control].Find(SearchText, 0, RichTextBoxFinds.NoHighlight Or RichTextBoxFinds.None)
End If
' Set the match selection
[Control].Select(Search_StartIndex, SearchText.Length)
' Set the BackColor
[Control].SelectionBackColor = Highlight_BackColor
' Set the ForeColor
[Control].SelectionColor = Highlight_ForeColor
' Scroll to Caret/Cursor position
End Sub
#End Region
我想我可以使用 RegEx MatchCollection 通过移动集合的当前 RegEx 匹配索引来轻松添加“查找下一个”或“查找上一个”,但是正则表达式很慢,我还有其他使用简单字符串搜索的替代方法吗?