var people = [
    {firstName : "Thein", city : "ny", qty : 5},
    {firstName : "Michael", city : "ny", qty : 3},
    {firstName : "Bloom", city : "nj", qty : 10}

var results=_.pluck(_.where(people, {city : "ny"}), 'firstName');



7 回答 7



var results = _.map(
    _.where(people, {city : "ny"}), 
    function(person) {
        return { firstName: person.firstName, qty: person.qty };



请注意,如果您愿意,您可以创建一个辅助方法“pluckMany”,它与使用可变参数的 pluck 执行相同的操作:

// first argument is the source array, followed by one or more property names
var pluckMany = function() {
    // get the property names to pluck
    var source = arguments[0];
    var propertiesToPluck = _.rest(arguments, 1);
    return _.map(source, function(item) {
        var obj = {};
        _.each(propertiesToPluck, function(property) {
            obj[property] = item[property]; 
        return obj;


var results = _.chain(people).where({city : "ny"}).pluckMany( "firstName", "qty").value();


于 2013-10-13T20:45:47.763 回答


var results = _.chain(people)
    .where({ city: "ny" })
    .map(_.partialRight(_.pick, 'firstName', 'qty'))



_.map(array, function(obj) { return _.pick(obj, 'x', 'y', 'z'); });

鉴于这个map转换集合的每个元素的通用函数,有多种方法可以适应您的特定情况(这保证了 的灵活性map,这是功能程序的一个非常基本的构建块)。


var _ = require('lodash'); // @lodash 2.4.1 at the time of writing
// use underscore if you want to, but please see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13789618/differences-between-lodash-and-underscore

/* la data */
var people = [{
    firstName: "Thein",
    city: "ny",
    qty: 5
}, {
    firstName: "Michael",
    city: "ny",
    qty: 3
}, {
    firstName: "Bloom",
    city: "nj",
    qty: 10

/* OPTION1 : mixin' with _ */
    pluckMany: function() {
        var array = arguments[0],
            propertiesToPluck = _.rest(arguments, 1);

        return _.map(array, function(item) {

            /* Alternative implementation 1.1
             * ------------------------------
             * Taken from @mMcGarnagle answer
             * _each is easy to understand here,
             * but has to modify the variable `obj` from a closure
             * I try to avoid that for trivial cases like this one.
            var obj = {};
            _.each(propertiesToPluck, function(property) {
                obj[property] = item[property];
            return obj;

            /* Alternative implementation 1.2
             * ------------------------------
             * Rewrite the previous code,
             * by passing the accumulator (previously`obj`, but really it is an object that accumulates the result being constructed) across function calls.
             * This construction is typical of the `reduce` function, closer to a functionnal programming style.
            return _.reduce(propertiesToPluck, function(obj, property) {
                obj[property] = item[property];
                return obj;
            }, {});

            /* Alternative implementation 1.3
             * ------------------------------
             * If we are already using lodash/underscore,
             * then let's use the `pick` function ! I also included an example of `flatten` here
            return _.pick(item, _.flatten(propertiesToPluck, true));

            /* Alternative implementation 1.4
             * ------------------------------
             * But really flatten is not needed.
            return _.partial(_.pick, item).apply(null, propertiesToPluck);

/* Let's use our mixed function !
 * Since we call several _ functions on the same object
 * it is more readable to chain the calls.
var results = _.chain(people)
        city: "ny"
    .pluckMany('firstName', 'qty')

/* OPTION 2 : without mixing our code with lodash/underscore */
var results = _.chain(people)
        city: "ny"
    .map(_.partialRight(_.pick, 'firstName', 'qty'))



注意:这显然是下划线中的常见问题: https ://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/issues/1104

如果这些被排除在下划线/lodash之外,这显然不是偶然的:“可组合性比功能更好”。你也可以说do one thing and do it well。这也是_.mixin存在的原因。

于 2014-12-16T22:16:28.037 回答


const pluckFields = (arr, fields) => _.map(arr, item => _.pick(item, fields))
于 2015-07-27T22:45:27.947 回答


使用 _ 有无数种方法,但我最喜欢这种方法。传入一个空的结果对象,该对象将是函数内部的“this”。使用 _each 进行迭代,并 _pick 您想要的字段:

var myObjects = [
    { "first" : "eric",
      "last" : "gumbo",
      "code" : "x482"
    { "first" : "john",
      "last" : "dinkman",
      "code" : "y9283"

var result = [];
_.each( myObjects, function(itm) { this.push(_.pick(itm,"first","code")) }, result );

于 2014-03-03T00:57:11.227 回答

YAAUu -是的另一个答案使用下划线......

// use a proper browser to run this code snippet, a browser that is es6-compliant
let people = [{
    firstName: "Thein",
    city: "ny",
    qty: 5
    firstName: "Michael",
    city: "ny",
    qty: 3
    firstName: "Bloom",
    city: "nj",
    qty: 10
// either you pick the properties you want 
let picking = _.iteratee((person) => _(person).pick("firstName", "city"));
// either you omit the properties you do not want
let omitting = _.iteratee((person) => _(person).omit("qty"));
// create the filter by city
let living = (people, city) => _(people).where({
  "city": city
// put the "filter by city" into a mixin (as I assume it would be used again & again)
  living: living
// do the thing (twice), 
// these chaining methods could be done into a mixin as well
console.log("results by picking properties:", _(people).chain().living("ny").map(picking).value());
console.log("results by omitting properties:", _(people).chain().living("ny").map(omitting).value());
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min.js"></script>

于 2017-12-07T21:58:56.907 回答


var results=_.pick(_.where(people, {city : "ny"}), 'firstName', 'qty');
于 2016-04-06T19:02:06.327 回答

我们不必使用 pluck,也可以省略 do the trick。

var result = _.map(people, function(person) {
  return _.omit(person, 'city');
于 2016-04-22T07:04:25.297 回答