我是汇编语言 (TASM 86x) 的初学者,正在处理我的第一个程序任务。它本质上并不复杂,但是作为这种语言的新手,我很难弄清楚一个简单的冒泡排序。
到目前为止,我只编写了 Witch C++,总体上最难的部分是掌握语法。
任务是获取任何字符串(由用户输入)并按 ASCII 值升序重新排列它(如,如果您输入 beda 它应该给出 abde)
.model small
.stack 100h
request db 'Enter symbols:', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
buffer db 100, ?, 100 dup (0)
MOV ax, @data
MOV ds, ax
; request
MOV ah, 09h
MOV dx, offset request
int 21h
; read string ;reading string to buffer
MOV dx, offset buffer
MOV ah, 0Ah
INT 21h
MOV si, offset buffer
INC si ;going from buffer size to actual length
;of the string
MOV cl, [si] ;string length - loop counter
mov ch, [si] ;string length - loop counter
mov bl, [si] ;bl will be used to reset inner loop counter
DEC cl ;correcting the values, since count goes
dec ch ; from 0 to n-1 instead of 1 to n
inc si ;moving to strings first byte
outer: ;outer loop
dec ch ;decrease counter each pass
jz ending ;when counter reaches 0 end program
mov cl, bl ; reset inner loop counter value
inner: ;inner loop
mov al,byte ptr[si] ;assigning byte(sybol) to al
mov ah, byte ptr[si+1] ;assigning following byte(symbol) to ah
cmp al,ah ;compare the two
jle after_switch ;if the latter's value is higher, no need to switch
mov bh, al ;main problem-switching values, tried a few different
mov al, ah ;ways of doing it (will show them below), but to no avail
mov ah, bh ;using familiar C syntax
jmp output ;outputing the value
after_switch: ;no switch needed
inc [si] ;going to the next byte
dec cl ;decreasing inner loop counter
jnz inner ;back to the beginning of inner loop until counter reaches 0 (resetting in the outer loop)
jmp outer ;if counter reaches zero, get back to outer
output: ;outputting value from the very first bit
mov ah, 2
mov dl, al ;which after switch is supposed to be stored in al
int 21h
jmp inner ;returning to inner loop to run next course of comparison
MOV ax, 4c00h
INT 21h
end start
mov al,[si+1]
mov byte ptr[si+1],[si]
mov byte ptr[si], al
尝试了相同的方法,但使用了 dx:di 寄存器
mov al, byte ptr[si+1]
mov dx:[di], [si]
mov byte ptr[si+1], dx:[di]
mov byte ptr[si], al