I have an error that seems to be associated with <cfscript>
db operation
// traffic tracking
myQry = new Query();
myQry.setSQL("INSERT INTO dbo.Traffic (Circuit, Fuseaction, IP_hash) VALUES (:circuit, :fuseaction, :ip_hash)");
myQry.addParam(name="circuit", value="#listfirst(rc.fuseaction, '.')#", cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR");
myQry.addParam(name="fuseaction", value="#listlast(rc.fuseaction, '.')#", cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR");
myQry.addParam(name="ip_hash", value="#cgi.remote_addr#", cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR");
The really strange thing is, it looks like the operation completed. What kind of a error is this?