// CIS 235 exercise 7
#include <iostream>
using namespace::std;
// declare a class for recording a test score
// the data will be pointer to an integer, rather than an integer
// - this exercise is designed to show how to work with pointer memory
// - of course, we would NOT normally use a pointer for just an integer
// - to illustrate the concepts, but keep the implementation simple,
// integer data was used. The general case would be object data,
// not integer data
class testScore
// declare a default constructor - the pointer should be set to NULL
// declare a function that returns a bool, indicating if the test has been taken
bool hasTestTaken();
// declare a function to record the test score, the parameter will be an integer
// use the following rules
// - if no test has been taken, allocate memory and record the score
// - if a test has been taken and the parameter is less than or equal to
// the score, do nothing
// - if the test has been taken and the parameter is higher than the score,
// - release the old memory
// - allocate new memory
// - record the score
void recordScore(int *myScore);
// declare a function to print the score to an ostream parameter
// if the test has not been taken, send an appropriate message to the ostream
// otherwise print the score
void printScore(ostream &out);
// declare the destructor
// be CAREFUL, you will need an if statement in your destructor
// declare the data needed to implement the class
bool testTaken;
int *score;
// write the 5 member functions
testScore::testScore() : score(NULL)
// declare a default constructor - the pointer should be set to NULL
bool testScore::hasTestTaken()
// declare a function that returns a bool, indicating if the test has been taken
return testTaken;
void testScore::recordScore(int *myScore)
if(testTaken == false)
testTaken = true;
*score = *myScore;
else if(testTaken == true && *myScore > *score)
score = NULL;
delete score;
score = new int;
*score = *myScore;
void testScore::printScore(ostream& out)
// declare a function to print the score to an ostream parameter
// if the test has not been taken, send an appropriate message to the ostream
// otherwise print the score
out << *score << endl;
out << "The test has not been taken!" << endl;
// declare the destructor
// be CAREFUL, you will need an if statement in your destructor
if(score != NULL)
score = NULL;
delete score;
delete score;
// test the class member functions
// - declare an object, but do NOT record a score for the object
// - declare a second object and record the scores of 83, 78, 92
// use appropriate member print functions to verify your code
//int abc = 83;
int abc = 0;
int main()
// int abc = 0;
// int * score2;
// myTestScore = new int;
// *myTestScore = 83;
testScore firstScore;
testScore secondScore;
// secondScore.recordScore(&abc);
// secondScore.printScore(cout);
// *myTestScore = 78;
// secondScore.recordScore(myTestScore);
// secondScore.printScore(cout);
// *myTestScore = 92;
// secondScore.recordScore(myTestScore);
// secondScore.printScore(cout);
return 0;
知道了这一点,我知道我的 recordScore 函数可能做错了什么,但我不知道是什么。
我现在的主要问题是 firstScore 运行良好(耶!我做对了......也许)但是, secondScore 不会记录分数。我尝试了几种不同的方法。
我把 int abc = 0; 上面的 int main()
- 当我调用 recordScore 时编译并运行良好
- 当我调用 printScore 时编译并崩溃
- 输出显示:该测试已通过!按任意键继续...(崩溃)
我把 int abc = 0; 在 int main() 内部,但在其他任何事情之前
- 在将任何内容输出到控制台之前调用 recordScore 时崩溃
如果我的 int main() 看起来像这样,这也会崩溃:
int main()
int abc = 0;
testScore firstScore;
return 0;
int *myTestScore;
myTestScore = new int;
*myTestScore = 83;
在 main() 内部,但在其他任何事情之前,并通过以下方式将 myTestScore 传递给 recordScore:
编译错误:没有匹配函数调用'testScore::recordScore(int**); 在 secondScore.recordScore 行上。
编译错误:在 secondScore.recordScore 行上从 'int' 到 'int*' 的无效转换。
int *myTestScore = 83;
在 int main() 内部,在其他任何事情之前编译错误:在 int *myTestScore = 83 行上从 'int' 到 'int*' 的无效转换。
我还尝试了各种方法将 recordScore 更改为使用 &'s 和 *'s 并且两者都不使用以及两者的不同组合。
testScore::testScore() : score(NULL), testTaken(false) // didnt change because instructor instructions, but did move testTaken up cause that is where it should be
// declare a default constructor - the pointer should be set to NULL
void testScore::recordScore(int myScore)
if(testTaken == false)
testTaken = true;
score = &myScore;
cout << *score << endl; //this prints correctly, 0
else if(testTaken == true && myScore > *score)
//removed the score = NULL to avoid a memory leak (I think this is correct now?)
delete score;
score = new int;
score = &myScore;
void testScore::printScore(ostream& out)//no changes, just easier to access to you dont have to keep scrolling up
// declare a function to print the score to an ostream parameter
// if the test has not been taken, send an appropriate message to the ostream
// otherwise print the score
out << *score << endl; //outputs incorrect 4469696
out << "The test has not been taken!" << endl;
int main()
int abc = 0;
testScore firstScore;
testScore secondScore;
return 0;
输出:该测试尚未进行!0 4469696 按任意键继续...
// CIS 235 exercise 7
#include <iostream>
using namespace::std;
// declare a class for recording a test score
// the data will be pointer to an integer, rather than an integer
// - this exercise is designed to show how to work with pointer memory
// - of course, we would NOT normally use a pointer for just an integer
// - to illustrate the concepts, but keep the implementation simple,
// integer data was used. The general case would be object data,
// not integer data
class testScore
// declare a default constructor - the pointer should be set to NULL
// declare a function that returns a bool, indicating if the test has been taken
bool hasTestTaken();
// declare a function to record the test score, the parameter will be an integer
// use the following rules
// - if no test has been taken, allocate memory and record the score
// - if a test has been taken and the parameter is less than or equal to
// the score, do nothing
// - if the test has been taken and the parameter is higher than the score,
// - release the old memory
// - allocate new memory
// - record the score
void recordScore(int * myScore);
// declare a function to print the score to an ostream parameter
// if the test has not been taken, send an appropriate message to the ostream
// otherwise print the score
void printScore(ostream &out);
// declare the destructor
// be CAREFUL, you will need an if statement in your destructor
// declare the data needed to implement the class
bool testTaken;
int *score;
// write the 5 member functions
testScore::testScore() : score(NULL), testTaken(false)
// declare a default constructor - the pointer should be set to NULL
bool testScore::hasTestTaken()
// declare a function that returns a bool, indicating if the test has been taken
return testTaken;
void testScore::recordScore(int * myScore)
if(testTaken == false)
score = new int;
testTaken = true;
*score = *myScore;
else if(testTaken == true && *myScore > *score)
delete score;
score = new int;
*score = *myScore;
void testScore::printScore(ostream& out)
// declare a function to print the score to an ostream parameter
// if the test has not been taken, send an appropriate message to the ostream
// otherwise print the score
out << *score << endl;
out << "The test has not been taken!" << endl;
// declare the destructor
// be CAREFUL, you will need an if statement in your destructor
if(score != NULL)
delete score;
// test the class member functions
// - declare an object, but do NOT record a score for the object
// - declare a second object and record the scores of 83, 78, 92
// use appropriate member print functions to verify your code
int main()
int abc = 83;
testScore firstScore;
testScore secondScore;
abc = 78;
abc = 92;
return 0;