我正在尝试使用 wget 下载文件,然后将其打开,将其读入缓冲区,然后通过套接字将其发送到正在等待它的服务器。我已经成功地能够下载文件然后打开它,但是当我尝试将它读入缓冲区时出现问题。我尝试下载的文件长 8000 字节,但是当我将它写入缓冲区然后运行 sizeof(fileBuffer) 时,它只报告 8 字节的大小。这是代码:
//open the file
if((downloadedFile = fopen(fileName, "rb"))==NULL){
perror("Downloaded file open");
//determine file size
fseek(downloadedFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
downloadedFileSize = ftell(downloadedFile);
fseek(downloadedFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
printf("%s %d \n", "downloadedFileSizse = ",downloadedFileSize);
//send back length of file
if (send(acceptDescriptor, &downloadedFileSize, sizeof(long), 0) == -1){
perror("send downloaded file size Length");
//start by loading file into the buffer
char *fileBuffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*downloadedFileSize);
int bytesRead = fread(fileBuffer,sizeof(char), downloadedFileSize, downloadedFile);
printf("%s %d \n","bytesRead: ", bytesRead);
printf("sizeof(fileBuffer) Send back to SS: %d\n",sizeof(fileBuffer));
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 8907 (8.7K) [text/html]
Saving to: âindex.htmlâ
100%[======================================>] 8,907 --.-K/s in 0s
2013-10-13 09:35:16 (158 MB/s) - âindex.htmlâ saved [8907/8907]
downloadedFileSizse = 8907
bytesRead: 8907
sizeof(fileBuffer) Send back to SS: 8
bytesLeft: 0
n: 8907
当我运行 fread 时,它正在读取 8907 个字节,但由于某种原因,它没有正确地将它们写入缓冲区。