我的主类,根据一些规则生成多个线程。(20-40 个线程可以长时间存活)。每个线程创建几个线程(短时间)-> 我正在为此使用执行器。我需要在短时间线程中处理多维数组-->我像在下面的代码中那样编写它-->但我认为它效率不高,因为我将它多次传递给这么多线程/任务--. 我试图直接从线程中访问它(通过将其声明为公共 --> 不成功) --> 将很乐意获得有关如何改进它的评论/建议。我还研究了下一步以返回一个一维数组作为结果(在 Assetfactory 类中更新它可能会更好)--> 我不知道该怎么做。请看下面的代码。谢谢帕兹
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
public class AssetFactory implements Runnable{
private volatile boolean stop = false;
private volatile String feed ;
private double[][][] PeriodRates= new double[10][500][4];
private String TimeStr,Bid,periodicalRateIndicator;
private final BlockingQueue<String> workQueue;
ExecutorService IndicatorPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
public AssetFactory(BlockingQueue<String> workQueue) {
this.workQueue = workQueue;
public void run(){
while (!stop) {
feed = workQueue.take();
periodicalRateIndicator = CheckPeriod(TimeStr, Bid) ;
if (periodicalRateIndicator.length() >0) {
IndicatorPool.submit(new CalcMvg(periodicalRateIndicator,PeriodRates));
if ("Stop".equals(feed)) {
stop = true ;
} // try
catch (InterruptedException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
stop = true;
} // while
} // run
这是 CalcMVG 类
public class CalcMvg implements Runnable {
private double [][][] PeriodRates = new double[10][500][4];
public CalcMvg(String Periods, double[][][] PeriodRates) {
this.PeriodRates = PeriodRates ;
public void run(){
// do some work with the data of PeriodRates array e.g. print it (no changes to array
catch (Exception ex){
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ex.getMessage());
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} // mvg class