我为 Windows 8 创建了一个新的 Metro 应用程序。
我的意图是在 Metro 应用程序中使用来自 WCF 数据服务的数据。WCF 服务应连接到安装在本地计算机上的 SQL 服务器。
我已经为我的服务设置了一个接口,因此我可以将参数传递给我希望 WCF 执行的方法,然后将结果返回给 Metro 应用程序。
建立与 SQL Server 的连接时发生与网络相关或特定于实例的错误。服务器未找到或无法访问。验证实例名称是否正确以及 SQL Server 是否配置为允许远程连接。(提供者:命名管道提供者,错误:40 - 无法打开与 SQL Server 的连接)
我已经包含了来自登录登录页面和 SQL 配置页面的代码。当 Metro 应用程序启动时,它会运行一个方法来检查是否存在连接。如果未找到连接,则会显示 SQL 配置页面。
应用程序启动。OnNavigate 到登录表单,CheckConnection() 方法返回 true。但是当我输入用户详细信息并按登录时,我只是在登录页面上的 async void Login() 方法中的以下代码行中收到错误
newCustomType = await dataServiceClientName.CheckLoginAsync(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);
提前致谢 :)
public interface CTUServiceInterface
// TODO: Add your service operations here
bool CheckConnection();
//SQL Config
bool UpdateConnectionDetails(string ConnectionString);
LoginDetails CheckLogin(string Username, string Password);
//LoginForm Success
UserGlobalDetails GetActiveUserDetails(int UserKey);
public class LoginDetails
bool loginSuccess = false;
string errorMessage = "";
int userKey = -1;
public bool LoginSuccess
get { return loginSuccess; }
set { loginSuccess = value; }
public string ErrorMessage
get { return errorMessage; }
set { errorMessage = value; }
public int UserKey
get { return userKey; }
set { userKey = value; }
public class UserGlobalDetails
string firstName = "";
string lastName = "";
int departmentKey = -1;
bool manager = false;
public string FirstName
get { return firstName; }
set { firstName = value; }
public string LastName
get { return lastName; }
set { lastName = value; }
public int DepartmentKey
get { return departmentKey; }
set { departmentKey = value; }
public bool Manager
get { return manager; }
set { manager = value; }
public class CTUService : CTUServiceInterface
private static SqlConnection localConnection = new SqlConnection("Data Source=PC-VIRTUAL;Initial Catalog=CarTraUnl;Integrated Security=True");
public bool CheckConnection()
bool result = true;
catch(Exception ex)
result = false;
throw ex;
return result;
//SQL Config
public bool UpdateConnectionDetails(string ConnectionString)
localConnection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
return CheckConnection();
public LoginDetails CheckLogin(string Username, string Password)
//Initilize the LoginDetails Object to return with results
LoginDetails localDetails = new LoginDetails();
//Initilize the localDataTable to hold sql results
DataTable localDataTable = new DataTable("localDataTable");
//Setup a SqlDataAdapter and get info from the 'UserGlobal' Table
SqlDataAdapter localDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT [Password],[Key]" +
"FROM [CarTraUnl].[dbo].[UserGlobal]" +
"WHERE [Username] = '" + Username + "'"
, localConnection);
//Fill localDataTable with information from the UserGlobal Table
//Set loginStatus equal to the number of passwords found for the given username
int loginStatus = localDataTable.Rows.Count;
//If no passwords are found, there was no username like the given one
if (loginStatus == 0)
localDetails.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Username";
//If one password was found, check if it matches the given password
else if (loginStatus == 1 && localDataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString() == Password)
localDetails.LoginSuccess = true;
localDetails.ErrorMessage = "";
localDetails.UserKey = int.Parse(localDataTable.Rows[0][1].ToString());
//If one password is found, but it doesn't match show the error
else if (loginStatus == 1 && localDataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString() != Password)
localDetails.ErrorMessage = "Invalid Password";
//If multiple passwords are found, there are duplicate usernames
else if (loginStatus > 1)
localDetails.ErrorMessage = "Duplicate Usernames";
return localDetails;
//LoginForm Success
public UserGlobalDetails GetActiveUserDetails(int UserKey)
//Initilize UserGlobalDetails object to return later
UserGlobalDetails localUserGlobalDetails = new UserGlobalDetails();
//Initilize a DataTable to hold our sql results
DataTable localDataTable = new DataTable("localDataTable");
//Setup a SqlDataAdapter and get info from the 'UserGlobal' Table
SqlDataAdapter localDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(
"SELECT [FirstName],[LastName],[DepartmentKey],[Manager]" +
"FROM [CarTraUnl].[dbo].[UserGlobal]" +
"WHERE [Key] = '" + UserKey + "'"
, localConnection);
//Fill localDataTable with information from the 'UserGlobal' Table
//Configure the UserGlobalDetails object 'localUserGlobalDetails' with the retrived results
localUserGlobalDetails.FirstName = localDataTable.Rows[0][0].ToString();
localUserGlobalDetails.LastName = localDataTable.Rows[0][1].ToString();
localUserGlobalDetails.DepartmentKey = int.Parse(localDataTable.Rows[0][2].ToString());
localUserGlobalDetails.Manager = bool.Parse(localDataTable.Rows[0][3].ToString());
//return the results
return localUserGlobalDetails;
public sealed partial class MainPage : Page
public MainPage()
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
lblError.Text = "";
private async void CheckConnection()
CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient dataServiceClientName = new CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient();
bool result = await dataServiceClientName.CheckConnectionAsync();
if (result == false)
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private async void Login()
btnLogin.IsEnabled = false;
CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient dataServiceClientName = new CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient();
CTUServiceReference.LoginDetails newCustomType = new CTUServiceReference.LoginDetails();
newCustomType = await dataServiceClientName.CheckLoginAsync(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);
CTUServiceReference.UserGlobalDetails currentActiveUserDetails = new CTUServiceReference.UserGlobalDetails();
currentActiveUserDetails = await dataServiceClientName.GetActiveUserDetailsAsync(newCustomType.UserKey);
//The globalSettings.cs file is not included, but it just holds persistent application data
globalSettings.currentUserKey = newCustomType.UserKey;
globalSettings.firstName = currentActiveUserDetails.FirstName;
globalSettings.lastName = currentActiveUserDetails.LastName;
globalSettings.departmentKey = currentActiveUserDetails.DepartmentKey;
globalSettings.manager = currentActiveUserDetails.Manager;
if (newCustomType.LoginSuccess)
//This page is where we go when login is successful
lblError.Text = newCustomType.ErrorMessage;
btnLogin.IsEnabled = true;
private void btnSqlConfigSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private async void saveConfig()
btnSave.IsEnabled = false;
string connectionstring = "";
if (rbAutomatic.IsChecked == true)
//Integrated Secturity
connectionstring = "Data Source=" + txtServer.Text + ";Initial Catalog= " + txtDB.Text + ";Integrated Security=True";
//Standard Authentication with username and password
connectionstring = "Data Source=" + txtServer.Text + ";Initial Catalog= " + txtDB.Text + ";User Id=" + txtUser.Text + ";Password=" + txtPass.Text;
CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient dataServiceClientName = new CTUServiceReference.CTUServiceInterfaceClient();
bool result = await dataServiceClientName.UpdateConnectionDetailsAsync(connectionstring);
if (result)
lblError.Text = "Config error";
btnSave.IsEnabled = true;
- 微软视觉工作室终极版 2012
- 版本 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
- Microsoft .NET 框架版本 4.5.50709
- 安装版本:终极版
SQL 服务器
- Microsoft SQL Server 管理工作室 - 11.0.2100.60
- Microsoft 分析服务客户端工具 - 11.0.2100.60
- Microsoft 数据访问组件 (MDAC) - 6.2.9200.16384
- 微软 MSXML - 3.0 6.0
- Microsoft .NET 框架 - 4.0.30319.18051
- 操作系统 - 6.2.9200