function CookieStorage(maxage, path) { // Arguments specify lifetime and scope
// Get an object that holds all cookies
var cookies = (function() { // The getCookies() function shown earlier
var cookies = {}; // The object we will return
var all = document.cookie; // Get all cookies in one big string

if (all === "") // If the property is the empty string
    return cookies; // return an empty object
    var list = all.split("; "); // Split into individual name=value pairs
    for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // For each cookie
        var cookie = list[i];
        var p = cookie.indexOf("="); // Find the first = sign
        var name = cookie.substring(0,p); // Get cookie name
        var value = cookie.substring(p+1); // Get cookie value
        value = decodeURIComponent(value); // Decode the value
        cookies[name] = value; // Store name and value
    return cookies;

// Collect the cookie names in an array
var keys = [];
for(var key in cookies) keys.push(key);
// Now define the public properties and methods of the Storage API
// The number of stored cookies
**this.length = keys.length;**
// Return the name of the nth cookie, or null if n is out of range

this.key = function(n) {
if (n < 0 || n >= keys.length) return null;
return keys[n];

// Return the value of the named cookie, or null.
this.getItem = function(name) { return cookies[name] || null; };

**// Store a value
this.setItem = function(key, value) {
    if (!(key in cookies)) { // If no existing cookie with this name
        keys.push(key); // Add key to the array of keys
        this.length++; // And increment the length

    // Store this name/value pair in the set of cookies.
    cookies[key] = value;

    // Now actually set the cookie.
    // First encode value and create a name=encoded-value string
    var cookie = key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);

    // Add cookie attributes to that string
    if (maxage) cookie += "; max-age=" + maxage;
    if (path) cookie += "; path=" + path;

    // Set the cookie through the magic document.cookie property
    document.cookie = cookie;


**// Store a value
this.setItem = function(key, value) {
    if (!(key in cookies)) { // If no existing cookie with this name
        keys.push(key); // Add key to the array of keys
        this.length++; // And increment the length

如果我们当前在长度属性中的对象已经由前一行代码定义(this.length = keys.length;)为什么我们需要通过 this.length++ 增加它的长度?keys.push(key) 还不够吗?


感谢所有回答的人。在盯着这段代码几分钟后,我发现第一个长度声明仅与脚本时间中的那个“阶段”相关。this.length = keys.length 表示此对象长度等于键数组的当前长度。



4 回答 4




Object.defineProperty(this, "length", {
    get: function() {
        return keys.length;

注意:正如@zzzzBov 在他的评论中指出的那样,IE8 及以下版本还不支持 getter。

于 2013-10-12T22:03:14.707 回答
this.setItem = function(key, value) {
    if (!(key in cookies)) { // If no existing cookie with this name
        keys.push(key); // Add key to the array of keys
        this.length++; // And increment the length

如果你只看这段代码,你会注意到它声明了一个函数。setItem当在 的实例上调用时,此函数中的代码将执行CookieStorage

CookieStorage创建实例时调用上一行。增加长度的目的是为私有存储数组的长度生成一个公共 API。

于 2013-10-12T22:08:30.213 回答

对于您的第一个问题:基本上,它定义了仅在您询问函数长度时函数获取的参数数量,例如: CookieStorage.length

function a() {}
function b(a, b) {}
function c(a,b,c) {}

console.log(a.length); //output 0
console.log(b.length); //output 2
console.log(c.length); //output 3

对于这个this.length问题:好吧,this.length 是持有 .length 的属性keys.length。因此,当您将新项目设置为键数组时,它会使用新长度更新长度属性。所以你可以使用它:

var cookies = new CookieStorage();
cookies.length //output 1
于 2013-10-12T21:56:39.490 回答


看起来 this.length 并不意味着 cookie 数组的长度,不是吗?是的,如果它使用 push() 函数,数组的长度肯定会加一。您不必手动执行此操作。

除非, this.length 意味着别的。

于 2013-10-12T22:10:20.947 回答