我正在做一个艺术项目,我想看看是否有任何信息来自一长串字符(~28,000)。这有点像一个人在解决 Jumble 时面临的问题。这是一个片段:



什么是检查子字符串的有用字典?有没有一个很好的图书馆来做这种事情?我四处搜寻,发现了一些有趣的 TRIE 解决方案;但他们中的大多数都在处理你提前知道这组单词的情况。


3 回答 3


I used this solution to find all words forwards and backwards from a corpus of 28,000 random characters in a dictionary of 100,000 words in .5 seconds. It runs in O(n) time. It takes a file called "words.txt" which is a dictionary that has words separated by some kind of whitespace. I used the default unix wordlist in /usr/share/dict/words but I'm sure you can find plenty of text file dictionaries online if not that one.

from random import choice
import string

dictionary = set(open('words.txt','r').read().lower().split())
max_len = max(map(len, dictionary)) #longest word in the set of words

text = ''.join([choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in xrange(28000)])
text += '-'+text[::-1] #append the reverse of the text to itself

words_found = set() #set of words found, starts empty
for i in xrange(len(text)): #for each possible starting position in the corpus
    chunk = text[i:i+max_len+1] #chunk that is the size of the longest word
    for j in xrange(1,len(chunk)+1): #loop to check each possible subchunk
        word = chunk[:j] #subchunk
        if word in dictionary: #constant time hash lookup if it's in dictionary
            words_found.add(word) #add to set of words

print words_found
于 2013-10-12T20:15:34.650 回答


def isaprefix(frag, wordlist, first, last):
    Recursive binary search of wordlist for words that start with frag.

    assumes wordlist is a sorted list
    typically called with first = 0 and last = len(wordlist)

    first,last -->> integer
    returns bool

    # base case - down to two elements
    if (last - first) < 2:
        # return False unless frag is a prefix
        # of either of the two remaining words
        return wordlist[first].startswith(frag) or wordlist[last].startswith(frag)

    #mid = (first + last)/2
    midword = wordlist[(first + last) / 2]

    # go ahead and return if you find one
    # a second base case?
    if midword.startswith(frag):
        return True

    #print word, ' - ', wordlist[mid], ' - ', wordlist[mid][:len(word)], ' - ', isprefix
    # start the tests
    # python does just fine comparing strings
    if frag < midword:
        # set the limits to the lower half
        # of the previous range searched and recurse
        return isaprefix(frag, wordlist, first, mid-1)

    # frag is > midword: set the limits to the upper half
    # of the previous range searched and recurse
    return isaprefix(frag, wordlist, mid+1, last)
于 2013-10-12T20:10:01.817 回答

您可以考虑从整个字典中创建一个序列,然后使用 smith water man 或任何启发式局部对齐算法对齐它们以获取序列中的单词

于 2017-01-05T05:26:33.417 回答