我正在开发一种简单的算法来使用关键点和 delaunay 三角剖分来变形两个图像。这个想法应该很简单:

  • 选择源代码控制点
  • 选择目的地控制点
  • 获取源帧和目标帧的 delaunay 三角剖分
  • 对于源图像中的每个像素
    • 获取与像素所在的源三角形相关的像素重心坐标
    • 获取与像素所在的目标三角形相关的像素重心坐标
    • 使用关系 Px = w1*v0x + w2*v1x + w3*v2x(y 和目标像素相同)分配 OUT[PdestX,PdestY] = IN[Px,Py]。

但它不起作用 X_X 这是我的 matlab 源代码:

function out = myMorph(im1, p_source, p_dest, tri_source, tri_dest)

[h  w] = size(im1);

%get single column vectors for source and destination image control points
Psource_x   = p_source(:,1);
Psource_y   = p_source(:,2);
Pdest_x     = p_dest(:,1);
Pdest_y     = p_dest(:,2);

%for each intermediate frame...

out = zeros(size(im1));

%get triangles. Each array is 3n x 2, where n is the number of triangles
triangles_source = [];
triangles_dest = [];
for i= 1 : size(tri_source,1)
triangle_s = getTriangle(Psource_x,Psource_y,tri_source,i);
triangle_d = getTriangle(Pdest_x,Pdest_y,tri_dest,i);

triangles_source = cat(1,triangles_source,triangle_s);
triangles_dest = cat(1,triangles_dest,triangle_d);

%iterate each pixel
for x=1:h
for y=1:w

    %get the source and destination triangle for pixel [x y]

    %source triangle
    for t = 1 : 3 : size(triangles_source, 1)-2

       [w1,w2,w3,inTriangle] = inTri(x,y, ...
                                    triangles_source(t,1),triangles_source(t,2), ...
                                    triangles_source(t+1,1),triangles_source(t+1,2), ...
       if(inTriangle == 1)
           break;   %point [x,y] must belong to one (and only) triangle

    %source triangle
    for k = 1 : 3 : size(triangles_dest, 1)-2
       [w1d,w2d,w3d,inTriangleD] = inTri(x,y, ...
                                    triangles_dest(k,1),triangles_dest(k,2), ...
                                    triangles_dest(k+1,1),triangles_dest(k+1,2), ...
       if(inTriangleD == 1)

    v_source = [w1*triangles_source(t,1) + ...
                w2*triangles_source(t+1,1) + ...
                w3*triangles_source(t+2,1), ...
                w1*triangles_source(t,2) + ...
                w2*triangles_source(t+1,2) + ...

    v_dest = [w1d*triangles_dest(k,1) + ...
                w2d*triangles_dest(k+1,1) + ...
                w1d*triangles_dest(k,2) + ...
                w2d*triangles_dest(k+1,2) + ...

    if(inTriangle ~= 1 && inTriangleD ~= 1)

    v_source    = round(v_source);
    v_dest      = round(v_dest);

    if(v_source(1)>0 && v_source(1) <= h && ...
       v_source(2)>0 && v_source(2) <= w && ...
       v_dest(1)>0 && v_dest(1) <= h && ...
       v_dest(2)>0 && v_dest(2) <= w)

   disp('pixel warped')
    out(v_dest(1),v_dest(2)) = im1(v_source(1),v_source(2));
   % else
    %    out(x,y) = im1(x,y); 



%Get control points used to morph im into another image
%im                     -> source image
%im2                    -> destination image
%linesNum               -> number of lines
function [P] = getControlPoints(im, controlPtsNum)

close all

P   = zeros(controlPtsNum, 2);

%select lines from source image
imshow(im,[]);title('select control points')

for i=1 : controlPtsNum
  %get source control point
 [x,y] =  ginput(1);
  P(i,:) = [x,y];

  hold on
  hold off

%Get control points used to morph im into another image and do delaunay
%triangulation using the control points
%im                     -> source image
%im2                    -> destination image
%controlPtsNum          -> number of control points
function [P,tri] = getControlPointsAndTriangulate(im, controlPtsNum)

P = getControlPoints(im, controlPtsNum);

[h w] = size(im);

%Add corners to control points
P = cat(1, P, [1 1]);
P = cat(1, P, [w 1]);
P = cat(1, P, [1 h]);
P = cat(1, P, [w h]);

tri = delaunay(P(:,1),P(:,2));

hold on
hold on

和这个函数(我在网上找到的),测试一个点是否位于给定的三角形上,并返回 u,v,w 值:

function [w1,w2,w3,r] = inTri(vx, vy, v0x, v0y, v1x, v1y, v2x, v2y)
% inTri checks whether input points (vx, vy) are in a triangle whose
% vertices are (v0x, v0y), (v1x, v1y) and (v2x, v2y) and returns the linear
% combination weight, i.e., vx = w1*v0x + w2*v1x + w3*v2x and
% vy = w1*v0y + w2*v1y + w3*v2y. If a point is in the triangle, the
% corresponding r will be 1 and otherwise 0.
% This function accepts multiple point inputs, e.g., for two points (1,2),
% (20,30), vx = (1, 20) and vy = (2, 30). In this case, w1, w2, w3 and r will
% be vectors. The function only accepts the vertices of one triangle.
v0x = repmat(v0x, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
v0y = repmat(v0y, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
v1x = repmat(v1x, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
v1y = repmat(v1y, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
v2x = repmat(v2x, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
v2y = repmat(v2y, size(vx,1), size(vx,2));
w1 = ((vx-v2x).*(v1y-v2y) - (vy-v2y).*(v1x-v2x))./...
((v0x-v2x).*(v1y-v2y) - (v0y-v2y).*(v1x-v2x)+eps);
w2 = ((vx-v2x).*(v0y-v2y) - (vy-v2y).*(v0x-v2x))./...
((v1x-v2x).*(v0y-v2y) - (v1y-v2y).*(v0x-v2x)+eps);
w3 = 1 - w1 - w2;
r = (w1>=0) & (w2>=0) & (w3>=0) & (w1<=1) & (w2<=1) & (w3<=1);  



1 回答 1


I'm not able to reproduce the errors in your code because I don't have your input dataset, however, according to your description, you may have the same issue as I had when I attempted morphing an image by triangulation yesterday:

The number of triangles in the source triangulation and the destination triangulation are different.

This may be caused by what you described in your steps:

  1. Perform Delaunay Triangulation with the source control points, get a triangular mesh
  2. Perform Delaunay Triangulation with the destination control points, get a triangular mesh

Delaunay Triangulation is so clever that it uses minimal numbers of triangles for triangulation. It does not know the control points in step 2 are "transformed from" those in step 1. So the triangular meshes from steps 1 and 2 may contain different number of triangles! Here is an example and how to fix the problem:


Let's say you have constructed 2 lists of control points, "source CP" and "destination CP". "source CP" are the red points in case A. "destination CP" are the red points in cases B and C (they are identical).

Case A is obtained by executing Delaunay Triangulation over "source CP".

Case B is obtained by executing Delaunay Triangulation over "destination CP".

See? Case B contains 1 fewer triangle than case A!! If this happens you can't morph using the triangle lists in the Delaunay Triangulation of cases A and B.

A workaround is to get Case C with the same adjacency list and the same number of triangles as Case A, then you can perform image morphing with a pairwise triangle-to-triangle affine transformation approach.

Case C is obtained by just moving one control point in Case A, but keeping the same adjacency list.

Sure, the overlapping triangles have now become a new problem. I think you can place constraints like magnitude of distortion to prevent the triangles from overlapping. Besides, the triangle intersection test code you posted takes into account overlapping triangles by returning the triangle ID of the 1st triangle in the list that intersects with the query point.

So the point is you only need to execute Delaunay Triangulation once per source-destination transformation pair.

Hope this helps !

于 2013-10-23T18:07:30.290 回答