在这个作业中,我们假设从 txt 文件中读取测试和家庭作业的分数并计算最终成绩。由于我们还没有学习读写文件,所以这是给我们的预制方法:

 * Filename :     GradeCalculatorFromFile.java.
 * Author:        xxxxxxxxx
 * Date:          09/025/2011
 * Description:  This program computes the scores of a list of students in the CSE155a class
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.*;

/* Provide a description of the class */
public class GradeCalculatorFromFile {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Declare and initialise the variables as needed
        int anthonyHopkinsTest = 0;
        int anthonyHopkinsHomework = 0;

         * The following code enables the user to accept input from the
         * keyboard. Keep this code as it is.
        Scanner scanner = null;
        try {
            scanner = new Scanner(new File("grades.txt"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("Error opening file. Please make sure that you have a grades.txt file in the same folder as GradeCalculator.class");

         * Add your code here to read the number of students and the scores Use
         * scanner.next() to read a String Use scanner.nextInt() to read an int

这是我们假设使用的 txt 文件:

Anthony Hopkins 80  90  95  87  80  78  25  17  20  22  21  24  19  22  21  23  24  21  20  25  20  55  56  110 30  20  25  8
John    Smith   99  95  82  72  64  52  15  14  11  21  25  12  19  20  21  23  21  12  12  10  15  50  50  60  25  15  20  9
Pan     Mei     85  92  72  45  82  78  22  13  16  22  24  10  18  12  21  24  25  10  11  14  20  58  51  95  28  14  28  7
Rafael  Vega    99  45  87  52  87  99  25  25  21  21  14  19  19  25  25  20  20  18  20  24  20  60  60  60  25  16  23  8



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