我远未成为一名 JavaScript 专家,而且我必须维护一个调用 SOAP 服务的 JS 代码。调用是通过 cxf-utils.js 脚本执行的。它在 Safari 中运行良好,但在 Firefox 或 Chrome 中却不行。接下来,我给出了应用程序的直觉,涉及的脚本和代码细节的草图。


该应用程序允许通过从可通过 url 访问的肥皂服务中检索合成朋友位置来连续跟踪地图中“朋友”的位置: 

这样的服务以 JSON 格式提供朋友位置的集合。


该应用程序由三个 JS 组成:

  • map.js:处理地图视图,在地图中绘制朋友的标记,并控制对模型的请求(HQOutputImplService.js)。

  • HQOutputImplService.js:准备服务调用并处理来自服务的响应((反)序列化、onsuccess 和 onerror 函数)。

  • cxf-utils.js:提供一些浏览器兼容性和 XML 管理(参见 http://cxf.apache.org/docs/javascript-client-code.html



<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>My first map</title>
    <link type="text/css" href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false">    </script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/map.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/cxf-utils.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/HQOutputImplService.js"></script>
    <div id="map"></div>


(function() {
    window.onload = function() {

            var outputServ = new hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput();
            outputServ.url = "";

            // Creating a reference to the mapDiv
            var mapDiv = document.getElementById('map');

            var myPosLat = 48.85889;
            var myPosLon = 2.29583;

        // Creating a latLng for the center of the map
            var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(myPosLat, myPosLon);

        // Creating an object literal containing the properties 
            // we want to pass to the map  
        var options = {
              center: latlng,
          zoom: 15,
              mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP

            // Creating the map
        var map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, options);

        // Adding a marker to the map
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: new google.maps.LatLng(myPosLat, myPosLon),
                    map: map,
                    title: 'My Position',
                    icon: 'http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markers/blue/blank.png'

            var circleOptions = {
                    center: latlng,
                radius: 2000,
                map: map
            // Creating the map
            var circle = new google.maps.Circle(circleOptions);
            // Colors used to display friends' markers
            var colors = new Array('green', 'orange', 'pink', 'red');
            // Color to assign to the next friend, rotates modulo the length of the array
            var icolor = 0;
            // Associates a tuple_id with its marker, used to remove them when negative tuples arrive: tuple_id -> marker
            var markers = new Array();
            // Counts the number of markers on screen for a particular user: nickname -> n_markers
            var markerCounter = new Array();
            // Color assigned to a friend currently on screen: nickname -> color
            var friendColor = new Array();

            //This is the function called upon success.
            function processResponse(response) {
                    var jsonStr = response.getReturn();
                    var jsonArray = eval('(' + jsonStr + ')');
                    if( jsonArray != null ) {
                            for(var i = 0; i < jsonArray.length; i++) {

            //This is the function called for an error. -->
            function reportError(error) {
                    alert('error ' + error);

            function invokeHQOutput() {
                    outputServ.data(processResponse, reportError);

            // Adds a marker to the screen and has side effects on additional variables
            function addOrRemoveFriendMarker(friend) {
                    // Check whether the tuple is positive or negative
                    if( friend.tuple_sign == 1 ) {
                            //Determine the color to use, depends whether the user has currently an assigned color
                            if( friendColor[friend.nickname] == undefined ) {
                                    friendColor[friend.nickname] = colors[icolor];
                                    icolor = (icolor + 1) % colors.length;
                            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                    position: new google.maps.LatLng(friend.lat, friend.lon),
                            map: map,
                            title: friend.nickname,
                            icon: 'http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/markers/' + friendColor[friend.nickname] + '/blank.png'});
                            // Add the marker to the array using the tuple_id
                            markers[friend.tuple_id] = marker;
                            // Increment the marker count for the user, check if the value is undefined first
                            if( markerCounter[friend.nickname] == undefined )
                                    markerCounter[friend.nickname] = 1;
                    else if( friend.tuple_sign == -1 ){
                            // Remove the marker from the screen and from the markers array
                            delete markers[friend.tuple_id];
                            // Decrement the counter for this friend's markers, if it has reached 0, delte the friend from the corresponding arrays
                            if( markerCounter[friend.nickname] == 0 ) {
                                    delete markerCounter[friend.nickname];
                                    delete friendColor[friend.nickname];


            window.setInterval(invokeHQOutput, 5000);




// Definitions for schema: http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/
// Constructor for XML Schema item {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data () {
    this.typeMarker = 'hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data';

// Serialize {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serialize(cxfjsutils, elementName, extraNamespaces) {
    var xml = '';
    if (elementName != null) {
     xml = xml + '<';
     xml = xml + elementName;
     if (extraNamespaces) {
      xml = xml + ' ' + extraNamespaces;
     xml = xml + '>';
    if (elementName != null) {
     xml = xml + '</';
     xml = xml + elementName;
     xml = xml + '>';
    return xml;

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data.prototype.serialize = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serialize;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_deserialize (cxfjsutils, element) {
    var newobject = new hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data();
    cxfjsutils.trace('element: ' + cxfjsutils.traceElementName(element));
    var curElement = cxfjsutils.getFirstElementChild(element);
    var item;
    return newobject;

// Constructor for XML Schema item {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse () {
    this.typeMarker = 'hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse';
    this._return = null;

// accessor is hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse.prototype.getReturn
// element get for return
// - element type is {http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string
// - optional element
// element set for return
// setter function is is hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse.prototype.setReturn
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_getReturn() { return this._return;}

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse.prototype.getReturn = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_getReturn;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_setReturn(value) { this._return = value;}

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse.prototype.setReturn = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_setReturn;
// Serialize {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_serialize(cxfjsutils, elementName, extraNamespaces) {
    var xml = '';
    if (elementName != null) {
     xml = xml + '<';
     xml = xml + elementName;
     if (extraNamespaces) {
      xml = xml + ' ' + extraNamespaces;
     xml = xml + '>';
    // block for local variables
     if (this._return != null) {
      xml = xml + '<return>';
      xml = xml + cxfjsutils.escapeXmlEntities(this._return);
      xml = xml + '</return>';
    if (elementName != null) {
     xml = xml + '</';
     xml = xml + elementName;
     xml = xml + '>';
    return xml;

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse.prototype.serialize = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_serialize;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserialize (cxfjsutils, element) {
    var newobject = new hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse();
    cxfjsutils.trace('element: ' + cxfjsutils.traceElementName(element));
    var curElement = cxfjsutils.getFirstElementChild(element);
    var item;
    cxfjsutils.trace('curElement: ' + cxfjsutils.traceElementName(curElement));
    cxfjsutils.trace('processing return');
    if (curElement != null && cxfjsutils.isNodeNamedNS(curElement, '', 'return')) {
     var value = null;
     if (!cxfjsutils.isElementNil(curElement)) {
      value = cxfjsutils.getNodeText(curElement);
      item = value;
     var item = null;
     if (curElement != null) {
      curElement = cxfjsutils.getNextElementSibling(curElement);
    return newobject;

// Definitions for service: {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}HQOutputImplService

// Javascript for {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}HQOutput

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput () {
    this.jsutils = new CxfApacheOrgUtil();
    this.jsutils.interfaceObject = this;
    this.synchronous = true;
    this.url = null;
    this.client = null;
    this.response = null;
    this.globalElementSerializers = [];
    this.globalElementDeserializers = [];
    this.globalElementSerializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serialize;
    this.globalElementDeserializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_deserialize;
    this.globalElementSerializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_serialize;
    this.globalElementDeserializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserialize;
    this.globalElementSerializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serialize;
    this.globalElementDeserializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_deserialize;
    this.globalElementSerializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_serialize;
    this.globalElementDeserializers['{http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}dataResponse'] = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserialize;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onsuccess(client, responseXml) {
    if (client.user_onsuccess) {
     var responseObject = null;
     var element = responseXml.documentElement;
     this.jsutils.trace('responseXml: ' + this.jsutils.traceElementName(element));
     element = this.jsutils.getFirstElementChild(element);
     this.jsutils.trace('first element child: ' + this.jsutils.traceElementName(element));
     while (!this.jsutils.isNodeNamedNS(element, 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', 'Body')) {
      element = this.jsutils.getNextElementSibling(element);
      if (element == null) {
       throw 'No env:Body in message.'
     element = this.jsutils.getFirstElementChild(element);
     this.jsutils.trace('part element: ' + this.jsutils.traceElementName(element));
     this.jsutils.trace('calling hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserializeResponse');
     responseObject = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserializeResponse(this.jsutils, element);

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput.prototype.data_onsuccess = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onsuccess;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onerror(client) {
    if (client.user_onerror) {
     var httpStatus;
     var httpStatusText;
     try {
      httpStatus = client.req.status;
      httpStatusText = client.req.statusText;
     } catch(e) {
      httpStatus = -1;
      httpStatusText = 'Error opening connection to server';
     client.user_onerror(httpStatus, httpStatusText);

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput.prototype.data_onerror = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onerror;

// Operation {http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/}data
// Wrapped operation.
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op(successCallback, errorCallback) {
    this.client = new CxfApacheOrgClient(this.jsutils);
    var xml = null;
    var args = new Array(0);
    xml = this.data_serializeInput(this.jsutils, args);
    this.client.user_onsuccess = successCallback;
    this.client.user_onerror = errorCallback;
    var closureThis = this;
    this.client.onsuccess = function(client, responseXml) {  closureThis.data_onsuccess(client, responseXml); };
    this.client.onerror = function(client) { closureThis.data_onerror(client); };
    var requestHeaders = [];
    requestHeaders['SOAPAction'] = '';
    this.jsutils.trace('synchronous = ' + this.synchronous);
    this.client.request(this.url, xml, null, this.synchronous, requestHeaders);

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput.prototype.data = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serializeInput(cxfjsutils, args) {
    var wrapperObj = new hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data();
    var xml;
    xml = cxfjsutils.beginSoap11Message("xmlns:jns0='http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/' ");
    // block for local variables
     xml = xml + wrapperObj.serialize(cxfjsutils, 'jns0:data', null);
    xml = xml + cxfjsutils.endSoap11Message();
    return xml;

hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput.prototype.data_serializeInput = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_serializeInput;

function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserializeResponse(cxfjsutils, partElement) {
    var returnObject = hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__dataResponse_deserialize (cxfjsutils, partElement);

    return returnObject;
function hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput_hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutputImplPort () {
  this.url = '';
hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput_hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutputImplPort.prototype = new hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__HQOutput;




如上图HQOutputImplService.js,有onsuccess和onerror代码。当脚本在 Safari 中运行时,它总是会到达 onsuccess 代码(hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onsuccess),而在 Firefox 和 Chrome 中它们总是会到达 onerror 代码(hybridqp_hadas_lig_org__data_op_onerror)。


苹果浏览器 苹果浏览器

火狐 火狐

铬合金 铬合金




- 我应该检查什么?

- 我应该在这里提供哪些进一步的信息?

更新 1

通过跟踪 JS 的执行,Chrome 和 Firefox 都获得了 http 响应代码“0”。此外,Firefox 的开发者控制台报告了一个NS_ERROR_FAILURE错误,其可能的原因之一是尝试从不同来源接收数据,因此违反了同源策略。显然,这是由于对 localhost(端口 9884)的 SOAP 请求完成的,并且向http://hybridqp.hadas.lig.org/请求了信封、序列化程序、命名空间。新的问题可能是:


1 回答 1


这个故事的答案是它违反了“单一来源政策”。因此,需要启用跨域资源共享 ( CORS )。

于 2013-10-18T19:10:42.690 回答